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標題: 前途...? [打印本頁]

作者: minghkhk    時間: 2005-4-5 12:08 PM     標題: 前途...?

我就二十歲...% c4 G" o6 S7 f7 t: {
! r, g4 r* f/ j9 v; _我唔想以後後悔同一事無成.
1 K/ |# J4 m6 z/ f$ q# Z! X4 E* w7 q* Y! W( G" A
我心智未成熟...- P, ~/ ~) M: D
宜家讀書,又唔知讀乜野好,對邊樣野有興趣?講真,我自己都唔知.  x% ~' r4 b0 L/ k
我又無乜話邊方面特別叻.- y4 N( H! u' `' O6 J$ U
  i: G( ]* Z6 X9 O7 ~6 d* y* g# J5 H  M
作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-4-5 12:47 PM

i am one year larger than u!% v. ?. c3 r- Z
"但係我發覺自己未有目標同理想.+ h9 ~/ Y; S/ n6 j. _2 ^
我唔想以後後悔同一事無成" this is what many many hk student also have this feeling, i think hk education makes us to feel study is for entering U and then getting a good future job, but making us to ignore our interests, and this is one of the main reason why someone is successful but some are so poor, not mainly due to ability and academic reason, but is u need to have goal and motivation to achieve yr goal% Z3 u+ J5 X' L9 _! Z
i am studying, i am also worry about my future as i know what i am studying is not very useful for my future and i know that i am not interested in it" Z7 B# H5 A( }+ f0 x
so i concluded that interest is just for after having a stable job and income for my case. M; ^3 I/ G1 c  p3 [+ `5 \
for yr case:
; w7 V1 [/ a6 Z; |1 \$ uno goal at this moment is ok, dun need to enforce yrself to have one, but i think u should have yr goal, this needs to find by yrself6 t- Z/ f' E' K7 T
dunno study what, right?
8 @& e" m4 T8 Q7 D" ?7 W0 Etry to study some that related to yr work or future work or u interest, because  this will make u have motivation to study, if not, that's like my case, u will feel boring on study# w% a1 U( F; b9 m+ b& r3 B8 l
interest what then also need to find find yrself la, i think u must  have but u haven't think it very very seriously and clearly* e" a3 i3 A0 f- l& m$ e0 X7 U% L
i also suggest u have a stable job or income b4 getting yr goal except u are living in a rich family, but if u have interest on something that can be yr future work, then u must go it,! ^- h* i' F; e/ y2 l+ z! ~" E
because u can save much more time, hope u can be successful in the future^^
9 ^0 g5 a- N. J; A/ s6 a3 i4 v1 _, t  p/ f: `% ]! e1 k
[ Last edited by jason williams on 2005-4-5 at 12:51 PM ]
作者: MaxFigo    時間: 2005-4-5 02:06 PM

我都係wo....我就快公開考試...) z. }3 E5 ^5 d* c/ |# H; t9 P
5 s8 o, k/ J! ]  ^; y1 j我知道我對考試係完全無興趣
- {, i- Y- g, m3 L" }  ]但係身邊d人又同我講個考試有幾重要....衰左就咩前途都無哂....
. K# @4 F( l# }% v- K% C" {% y$ J點解要咁 ?? downdown地.....
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-4-5 02:20 PM

minghkhk,) d$ U: m: X* S6 r' I' T5 v) B3 l# g
& c* Y0 ]  r1 d* T
Take away all those suggestions and opinion from unclesand auntie 8, what do you really really enjoy doing?" R& ^2 G2 v) p% @' K% l6 X5 f) k
  D9 |+ l* G* {- H
Answer this question first...when you get a honest answer from your heart, then try locating something similiar to the nature of your honest answer, that's how you find your life's goal.
! U. R+ }3 D$ R" L9 k$ `% z4 w0 e2 j
Studying is no fun when you hated it and see no point doing it....for short term solution (for the exam), promise yourself a reward when it's all over (like a PSP, new phone, etc.). Don't worry about whether you have $ to buy it or not....remember when you're down, imagine the reward at the end and this should motivate you to grind thru the sufferings.7 q& w+ z: S5 A1 M, I

8 h5 E! P2 t' x& h* tI am not a particular smart and harding working person...but I got through two degrees with that attitude. $ `' w8 y  W: v0 j( u
( i' }. I8 L" X# x- e
Cheer up...and be ruthless to yourself when studying for exams....the reward is there to wait for you.
作者: lchlch    時間: 2005-4-5 06:01 PM

讀到書都唔一定有成就既,你自己先諗好自己比較鍾意做邊一行(能力範圍之內) 然後比心機做啦~正所謂行行出狀元嘛
作者: JCer    時間: 2005-4-5 06:26 PM

我已成為了 隱閉青年 ...
作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-4-5 06:29 PM

Originally posted by JCer at 2005-4-5 06:26 PM:
6 \$ W8 m6 g+ m& a8 f' w% N我已成為了 隱閉青年 ...
% W2 K/ X0 I  v

% H; V$ D6 O& W' Gha? if u say seriously, i encourage u to back to this society, add oil!
作者: goldenfish    時間: 2005-4-5 09:28 PM

作者: toro    時間: 2005-4-5 09:40 PM

作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-5 09:43 PM

Originally posted by minghkhk at 2005-4-5 14:08:0 l0 C" w( B$ h, o
我就二十歲...6 P5 K# F! Y  A, d3 l' k
但係我發覺自己未有目 ...
, R5 s( @) o: p8 _7 G- X, s% }. ?+ c7 x3 P+ m* D4 @$ {. z; R5 F
be happy la,% J  L/ V( I. P; l- [( u
you can see a lot of people support u9 A, Y4 V4 U* R- N/ A
; U2 l6 ~. O+ n
but finally, it's YOU, to encourage and be run forward!!!
作者: minghkhk    時間: 2005-4-6 08:55 AM

; h8 A2 B! `9 C, n" i' J不過其實我真係唔知自己既興趣,我日常剩係玩電腦,睇VCD ga ja....! G' l8 f, T3 I+ M, `0 n5 K
我鐘意玩電腦,但係我又唔鐘意設計game wo...好似好悶咁.../ f2 _5 s& r, ?! t. t! M7 J9 Z# c
) a: C$ [. Y, k1 z  n
另外,想問下大學選科點選好???3 a1 g: _0 E- u% Q
其實本人香港中五畢業,宜家係加拿大讀緊書,ESL course <----即係英文班
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-6 08:58 AM

Oh I see,....* {- e1 E8 l. X3 ~; z+ @: a# ~
you are in overseas too...!!!" c* u: b9 q4 b' i  M

$ }$ S" w: v! M1 q- s6 Yyou were like me.. about 11 years before....
+ ~5 @+ Z9 G. pem.....: ]% i  T. P+ \2 `- {0 |
do u study science or arts before?>
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-4-6 10:09 AM

Originally posted by minghkhk at 2005-4-5 12:55 PM:
) g- n/ G7 o0 E* r5 }0 f) _$ y多謝各位既支持同意見...
- Q1 \5 c, I. o! v不過其實我 ...
! _7 o% Y$ r( e, E0 w5 h' p. e- W# c1 w% \' [0 i/ |
ESL might sound very stupid for you when you first arrive in Canada...if you're in places other than Vanc or're in luck...utilize the opportunities to learn not afraid....after 6 months of hard learning you'll speak better than guys who stick with Chinese speaking....
& x0 N) `8 h8 Y0 F# T
7 e0 B) N- u3 Y  sUnless you want to be a professional (like physician, lawyer, phram, etc.) the first degree doesn't make a difference in your job search....don't study any general degrees (like general Arts, Econ, commerce). Go for a more speicalized degree (like Finance) and you'll do better in the long run.
" r0 w; D& k9 `5 j" g/ C8 E
; F! x0 I5 _( N& P2 u( B7 HLots of people spend a fortune on their general MBAs...and guess what....they are in debt and make just slightly more than the ones with a B.A.!
8 T; n* y" D' o8 s- {( o3 G7 h" Y. F+ r$ [
I love to help if you need more ideas.....
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-6 10:13 AM

first of all,
9 r/ [9 d4 x- O! ]! _what's your HKCEE results?!
作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-4-6 11:23 AM

if u really have no idea on yr interest, then try to find sth that would helpful for yr future (just like easier to get a job), i think BBA or sth related business would be better, easier to get job if u will come back to hk.' ~- F) i& z/ Q! |+ G
dun try some academic, (such as Physcis, Maths) or art or design sub if u have no interest in it because they really need a lot of interest to motivate u to study. ' L* A' C6 U) R2 {% E' M8 g
us said u like playing computer, how about study sth like (IS) information system or programming..........
* [: r) C( S7 E* j& _" Gif u have interest about computer, u can try to serach search what computer relating course would be provided in yr city's university and try to have a serious look + [+ T( V& N2 o. l, V' r$ I

( {0 S# S8 A/ @PS: the first year in some foreign university seems can let u choose different course to allow u to find yr interest, my fd's university is that, i dunno yr side is this or not+ E9 O' d4 x1 D4 n2 W, h* {
+ ?( [8 U5 q. g* n9 b1 _& P& i( j
add oil !
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-6 11:30 AM

ESL is high school class, isn't it?!
作者: crap    時間: 2005-4-6 10:16 PM

Originally posted by minghkhk at 2005-4-5 02:08 PM:- k$ [- v$ x( |( [& e2 k- \+ s
我就二十歲...2 F2 \9 u" U' ?# h1 j% c
但係我發覺自己未有目 ...
, U/ q' F* `' a5 b6 Z) C, A0 f% y

  u4 Z+ S# H5 j# L9 B( h  }! w4 lbro. minghkhk,7 T8 Z  o$ [1 S: r3 B% Z

9 M4 a! g, n. i: z+ Oalthough u r unsure about your future, i'm glad that u've noticed that you hv to start thinking about career.. while many overseas HK student don't even care about it as i see..
) o% `. s8 Z1 l0 r& s! J0 `$ s  A% [& t; \
宜家讀書,又唔知讀乜野好,對邊樣野有興趣?講真,我自己都唔知.  d5 B. W, o( q8 \0 C' o0 B! C
* h! Q7 ~% B1 r8 uwell... bro. jason williams very right on chosing subjects/ [- R" _, [/ H8 b0 ]' }4 C! q4 ?
my opinion is if u can't find anything interested u, just do it another way, nominate those u DON'T want 1 by 1, then u may be able to have couple of choices left.
' D& y* g6 \8 C9 R- H: I6 L7 P$ l# A9 O+ X1 g5 r
and if u like playing computer game, give it a go for multimedia/ programming, game programming would be great fun but require high logic and physics basics..* B) S; ~" V! [! J5 h" O
( w/ M. L3 T. P7 ^2 w% M
and finally, you are 20 now, you have to understand that the world's not easy.. in fact bloody hard, but u gotta force yourself to tackle the problems
8 _% k  B+ c$ _& |9 l+ ^
; N: V6 i1 ?: \& c% K6 s1 Iwe'll be with u, don't worry
, Q  \& P! W9 Y% mand a new 'district' may be coming and you can ask us questions there
0 Y) L& P$ D8 K9 ^9 w& b4 Echeers~
作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-4-7 01:03 AM

Originally posted by MaxFigo at 2005-4-5 02:06 PM:
: {, \' m5 z! {5 |9 x4 s我都係wo....我就快公開考試... ...
+ ~7 }  Q0 N5 e( H8 W
. A5 p- R! I5 m$ Z
public exam is not the all in yr life, but for sure, u cannot give up easily by this sentence easily, also i think none like exam, so dun be so easily give up, try the best on study
' J" u+ I" P' |; a' C: R" i" D9 [* C0 D3 @# Q
but if u really not gd in study, also not mean u will have a bad future, gd academic just give u a easier way to get a success in yr future, u still can have a wonderful future* M1 g/ ?$ j( I, w2 `
because from my view, boss are always like some guys having more partical skill than who has a gd academic result (but sure it will be cared for many professional jobs because they really need)! a( Z9 z! M( r$ d( }1 G

# ]* c, z: L0 t/ ]& t! {7 W3 d9 Nbut work hard is also needed or even more for learning other skills and working in jobs) v5 T, V2 z5 h
if also lazy or not gd in these parts, then really none can help la
/ E! R" p' E3 Q1 ?( a9 h% [* R; s* T1 D# W, z# F; X
dun ne down la, u're still young, a lot of ways and chacne are waiting for u, right?:cool:+ t$ q  J# ~: {7 d, {

9 g- k4 l( u8 _* c3 [4 T* n[ Last edited by jason williams on 2005-4-7 at 01:04 AM ]
作者: tung kin wah    時間: 2005-4-7 01:26 AM     標題: Why Worry ?

Many students have the idea that they want to get everything done in ONE pass that is indeed no need . Believe or not, probably you will live up to age of 80, you got many chance to retry. For example fail an exam => you can try again , study a wrong degree => you can study another one, break up with a girl => make another relation. However your fire to actualize yourself is really really important. GO AND TRY otherwise you don't know where is your direction. You think something is good is just your dream and there are so many people just dreaming but don't bring out the effort to actualize their dream so they are still dreaming . ( May be I am talking about myself ) Believe or not just TRY something DIFFERENT and you may feel what actually can cheer you up. When you are interested , you got the fire , then putting time on it , and finally a perfect positive feedback loop will bring you to the sky ! Just don't look down yourself. # f/ Y  z2 Y  p' U# |) ~
When I past one of my saddest day during my University Study, I just dig  a book out from the shelf and read it , its the book written by Amstron(spelling correct ?) , the first astronount walking on the moon. He wrote something at the back of the book I still remember today : When I was small , I was just dreaming of walking on the moon and I've never thought before I really can what on the moon when I grown up.
% f, Q: Y. w) d4 }/ w- ]
. b: `8 B, l! ?2 aJust go ahead and do what you want or try somthing different but not forget not to do something hurting other ones like those pk...
作者: henrywing    時間: 2005-4-7 04:06 AM

作者: minghkhk    時間: 2005-4-7 10:50 AM

我中五畢業,文科,會考八分.讀過一年IVE diploma(商科既),個課程兩年既,所以無畢業.
: D$ d+ l  z) d1 W( s7 Q6 B- |宜家係Calgary讀緊ESL,順利既話,應該黎緊li個十二月讀完.
1 U7 r4 h; u- q! ]
( U4 f$ Q2 a, c自己係想入大學既,因為唔知選邊科好,同埋IVE個時又讀過商科,所以多數會選d關於商業既.6 I  i2 Q- f/ E) n
但係,我自己都唔係好清楚選商科係咪正確...2 `5 D( Q/ {$ l7 K" i
6 b4 o5 }7 E: P" h! g5 `
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-7 10:56 AM

/ p$ B. e* a, k( bthat's good you can make some sound decisions~~~
" n- c4 R( t; Z$ [# [+ t( E( jBe strong, we are in here to support u!~
9 g" U! U( L! }4 BIf you feel any difficulites in studying...
0 }5 ]6 ]8 M- F' ogoto these section 【板友互助區】   at the top of   吹水版. N; C. J! m" Z9 F
We can help u more...~~~
) J( p6 H$ S% d& L3 @
7 W: d- y7 \3 [Yours,
$ f; l) t% W* {( BBright
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-4-7 11:42 AM

If you have a good ESL counselor...go talk to him/her....
& m9 h9 G* H6 O3 k# H+ f7 w) [; d6 X0 \$ g" m5 s" s
When you're done ESL...don't worry not attending U of Alberta or U of Calgary. I've known of people who took off to Red Deer, took some college courses, FIGURE OUT WHAT HE WANTED TO DO. When he was back in Edmonton, he attended U of A and had done better than folks went straigtht in.
0 f& [0 D' L/ A( h
$ e5 B/ n! n2 X! SNot everyone can figure out what they want to do in their teens. For some people this is an event (a thunder bolt) and others a trail and error process (bankers who quit and become chef!). You have your way and I have mine. Just never give up searching!
3 M  I" R: `, b8 v5 r3 C9 {: ]9 q* ~& d
You're in an advantage of studying in Calgary...distractions are few and yet good schools are plentiful. If you like business, I'll say go to the university bookstore....take a look at the first year textbooks, and see which one gives u the best impressions. You don't need to understand the contexts well, but at least get an idea of whether you like to dig yourself into it for the next few years. Talking to people (like all of us) for advice is good...but we are not you and can't make decisions for you ga ma.
& C7 L/ P/ I2 e1 F9 `7 [$ @9 y" V7 A7 \" Z1 v  X& B! t
Good luck....I'll buy you bubble tea if you stop by in Vancouver :-)
作者: jsqaure99    時間: 2005-4-7 02:10 PM

TO HENRYWING:% {* r8 E  \+ j
/ e0 j( ^5 O: U/ O- W! H0 L
QUOTE 以我經驗所得,一個人出來做事的成功條件,最大的因素絕對是人際關系,其次是應變能力,還有是真誠,我請過很多大學生,但很多時都不如一個有心去做的中學生
7 R$ K( U$ h1 m" E# A% m9 T
( j6 E' Y; M" d3 k1 N+ x人際關系應變能力係仲要﹐但係靠得住同永遠係你手既此終係知識。
4 B# v& x: _# E9 H( L! W所以先做好自己永遠係最仲要
作者: jsqaure99    時間: 2005-4-7 02:20 PM

8 i$ p' N* n7 V) z1 U6 o; Q: SAVERAGE有HIGH90S  ]7 Y  u% W% ]( _5 d. M
本來讀既係收生要求都算高既建築0 Q) d1 I6 O! [! e( A3 c
但係覺得係唔岩自己既學科﹐於是一路半工讀到今年22先入U﹐我而家報既係FASHION COMMUNICATION
# Z" s. p& f: S% m! @8 b3 P# z) b3 x60靈分入到有突
1 V, s% B# h2 i+ I' }, F& n5 X- y! b足足5年
. Q# b' r, L/ c3 H! H6 I不過我覺得無壞窩# B% D, [1 w! u* v. d
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-4-7 02:31 PM

yes ah.. that's good on u that you know your direction~~~!( t* g5 l/ N- x1 K4 x0 p
作者: henrywing    時間: 2005-4-8 04:37 AM

作者: henrywing    時間: 2005-4-8 04:51 AM     標題: 更正

作者: minghkhk    時間: 2005-4-9 07:34 AM

3 ?& M9 D1 j5 i' U/ n$ J) G3 G其實大學d商科大約讀d咩ga??- D  j# N  i7 S% t, k; E
Ecom? a/c? math?
4 \4 {: G/ b# @9 p# T6 j, J% q) J% N6 H6 y3 u
同埋如果唔熟商科d人,可唔可以介紹下其它科呢?8 h1 b; M" D8 J; X
* u& r: J7 N' D. \9 {. ?
作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-4-9 11:50 AM

i am studying in Physics, it needs a lot of maths, a little bit knowlegde in computer programming
: V' |  M4 G; u1 E. lfor the faculty of business, there are many different department ga wow:- ]  C" T7 |0 h) z# w* M5 H; w  v
account, marketing, etc..... u6 h7 b0 j$ Z4 R
but i know not much abt it, i only know they always need to do presentation and group project!
& m( r# L9 i6 }$ k- y) ifor econ, it also needs to learn some pure maths and stat, my fd need
作者: tung kin wah    時間: 2005-4-9 05:26 PM     標題: knowledge, Inter-personal skills, wisdom

Knowledge: It defines your ability, you know more, you have higher ability to do something or doing something better. But may be you don't have the chance to do something, in that case your knowledge is useless.
9 o) |* l  d( _2 ?  i( S1 Z) L) L) j' i
Intet-personal skills : It give you opportunity, when you are studying in school, everyone follows more or less the same path, exam result seems to be the major scale for measuring you, but when you come out, we have different paths wo select. Whether you can join different paths depends on your inter-personal skills. Remeber opportunity is always given by others.
  g! s% `# i3 J
9 O. p( D3 t% ]) P2 Z! g% y8 @Wisdom : Your consolidation on experience and values. No matter how much opportunity have you had, how good is your ability in achieving your goal, you got to feel its worth doing it.   ]% @* V/ X- E8 N. ?

  u8 h4 G7 ^& f1 bA handsome interesting boy since too easy in dating a good girl , he may not treasure what he have and take it for granted. In this case, he didn't have the wisom to feel the beauty of love.: n0 C  O& |) e7 B
* e3 {6 @6 y6 x3 a) W' B
三缺一? 一樣都無? 我都係呀 !!!

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