推背圖 :http://www.jjlm.com/gb-03/001.htm + M# [2 b+ F# w6 y ! G/ Q# `- j, k) o& G第四十象 癸卯 (国家分裂为两岸三地的预言) & w9 W. G h' r4 w2 |* o! w' } H% {. g0 K, {
图:三个小孩玩飞盘; `3 J! }8 j* t ]& J6 t
谶曰:$ o1 x: C' B6 W. G T$ g( E
一二叁四 无土有主- Q9 U: U& S c0 T3 l
小小天罡 垂拱而治 3 G4 a! E/ E, M* M2 T3 u1 ~! ?颂曰:& o6 }$ Y( k: ^/ M" x
一口东来气太骄( L V: S6 J3 H
脚下无履首无毛 ! _6 v! V) T7 {若逢木子冰霜涣! C* [7 Y" w. t8 y. ]( K$ @# Z0 |
生我者猴死我雕 ) x, g f7 j A. m金圣叹:「此象有一李姓,能服东夷,而不能图长治久安之策,卒至旋治旋乱,有兽活禽死之意也。」 + @: a1 A3 z& J# | , R8 w' d: @% `$ F% e解:此像争议历来很大。其实,这一象是一个很宏观的象,描述的是国家分裂的状态(从图可以看出,两岸三地),时间跨度也很长,从民国建立到民国真正灭亡。推背图时间跨度很长的预言很多,比如第二象预言唐朝气数,时间跨度就有上百年。所以,这一象,并不影响下两象(文革和四人帮)的发生,请大家特别注意,否则会得出错误的看法和不符合现实的悲观论点。由于在台的民国目前还没有真正灭亡,说明第40象的预言并没有终结,所以我们在研究第43象(统一之象)时,不能忽视此象,它为我们研究在台湾的中华民国的灭亡提供了重要的线索。 + K8 a( b+ X o+ [8 S4 ?3 t; X8 L# a5 S$ q) l* E2 x+ i# l. Y1 f
先看图,三个小孩,分别代表大陆、台湾和香港,他们玩的小飞盘,只有通过下面的小孩(香港)来传递。明白它的含义了吧,很形象吧。 N& T t* f1 O
再看诗文:“一二叁四”,很难理解,大家的分歧也很大。第一种解释,“一二叁四”指的是在台湾的中华民国只有四位总统,蒋家父子、李登辉、陈水扁,第二种解释,建国初的中国分为四块,大陆、台湾、香港、澳门。第三种解释,祖国大陆自建国后到统一前共有四代领导人。“无土有主”,如第一句按第一种解释,那这句应是指民国虽然丢了国土,但还宣称是这些国土的主人。按第二种解释,这句话的意思是,中国终将收回失去的土地。如果按第三种解释指的是祖国大陆实行的是土地国有化政策。“小小天罡,垂拱而治”天罡古代指北斗七星之柄,“垂拱而治”谐音为“随共而治”指的是台湾当局偏安一屿的局面。“一口东来气太骄”,很明显是暗示我们伟大领袖毛泽东的东字,(还有人说“来”字也暗示了周恩来),联想主席的诗“数风流人物,还看今朝!”,是够骄的,他把国民党赶出了大陆。 “脚下无履首无毛”,蒋介石就是光头,这一句暗示他丢盔弃甲狼狈逃台的情景。“若逢木子冰霜涣,生我者猴死我雕”,此句至为关键,玄机很深,他暗示了民国诞生和民国的灭亡。“若逢木子冰霜涣”,木子,李也--李登辉。冰霜涣,冰霜由水变,水变--水扁也,一个姓李的,一个叫水扁的是使中华民国灭亡的重要人物。真乃千古绝佳字谜。“生我者猴,死我雕”,这句显然暗示民国的诞生与灭亡。猴,猢狲也--孙中山。 雕者,鹰鹫也,即英九--- 马英九(现任台北市长 ,属国民党泛蓝阵营,很多人认为他是2008年总统竞选的有力争夺者)。就是说生我中华民国者孙中山,死我中华民国者马英九也。 (很准,近日马英九已经决定竞选2008年台湾总统) ) E9 h q3 E4 Y ' e* h* L8 P6 TI think this explanation is the best one I've ever seen, if the history evolove like this, you guys please pay more attention to this book, as Japan will be ELIMINATED by China in near future specified by 第45像。作者: catdeeley 時間: 2005-4-17 08:59 PM
Some people think it is now in 43 pictures.作者: tung kin wah 時間: 2005-4-19 09:18 PM
I think now is in picture 42 .- s$ L, [* F o7 G
# G! c$ W, Y+ d5 g/ S1 r7 N2 N
picture 40 is a summary of our 朝代。 8 i) P6 t/ j" j5 C1 lpicture 41 talking about 共產黨 and 文革。Netizian from Mainland Chinese usually don't dare to explain this diagram.$ a! m7 Z3 f. J5 k
picture 42 talking about 台灣。It says the Americans come from west, and Japan , China and Korea getting peace for a period. It also says the American will hide themselves at Korea ? Beijin ? I am not sure. Since 朝市 may means capital or a Korean City. If that is the first explanation, we will soon see an American 奸世 being discoved. - {6 s R' e; U 5 |2 q, u( w, O# d- xMany people don't understand "长弓在地 危而不危" $ M, D! R2 k5 y" t5 d7 C人 + 弓 = 夷 , that's foreigner. I learn this from picture 35. It denote foreigner by a man wearing a bowl ! So the bowl is already on th floor, if it wear the bowl , it will become a foreigner , that means 台獨 ! However , it also said 危而不危, so I think it wont happened at the end.7 T! h% l1 U" e0 _2 k
; m3 A! b# `- _7 ^9 ]' [, C0 b
picture 43 should be something like 聯邦政府,seems the old man ( mainland ) and taiwan ( small boy ) are walking together ! I think it has not yet happened.3 Y1 e+ C8 J& c6 j" N
) R* O O3 A N) P, o$ upicture 44 , as you will see , foreigner ( man wearing a bowl ) come to 朝恭 China , and also it is the first picture in 推背圖 talking about a 超強盛的中國, so I think, there should be something really bad happened in US, otherwise, I don't understand how can China become the greatest country in the world. / T+ c& p9 ]) g3 z4 M $ V4 t' r. s2 k( Z9 J- n; Lin picutre 45 , China & Taiwan will go side by side , conqured Japan....作者: tung kin wah 時間: 2005-4-19 09:32 PM
One more point , & w/ h7 b! D' y- B* I4 V5 nPlease take care at 2011~2012 , 2023~2024 , 2035~2036 . They are all year of rabbit. I don't know which year, however I only know China will have BIG BIG CHANGES in transistion of year of rabiit to dragon. It already stays in picture 42 & 43 . I don't think there will be any civil war between China and Taiwan. * f7 L8 U# L# k" K
8 m1 T1 k" q$ a3 O# S" S7 I: H9 }
However, I am afraid to see the war between China and Japan in my 有生之年 !