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標題: 搭巴士鐘意坐上層定下層?[樂+] [打印本頁]

作者: 良友    時間: 2005-5-7 12:00 PM     標題: 搭巴士鐘意坐上層定下層?[樂+]

D女好鐘意坐下層,但我鐘意上層皆因比較舒服' A5 R+ ^% x. d

; i5 o3 d# u$ D+ f) ^3 g$ i, P[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-9 at 04:22 PM ]
作者: JCer    時間: 2005-5-7 12:08 PM

' A  g) F* w% f  I' P8 P* h9 ]左邊既 兩坐位之中既最後一排( 大約第6-8排)5 B* \! R7 u3 W3 w7 R- V
既近window果個位5 u4 d6 x4 S  [/ `0 `
果個位係最正的 !!!! (原因不便透露)
作者: ling*    時間: 2005-5-7 12:17 PM

作者: jason williams    時間: 2005-5-7 01:03 PM

上層尾2個位, 可以一眼關七, 同依個位置最唔"dunk"
作者: KKKKing    時間: 2005-5-7 01:08 PM

Originally posted by JCer at 2005-5-7 12:08 PM:
' y" w) C4 S4 K. C3 T; J上層
7 Q) k# ^; S/ @3 U左邊既 兩坐位之中既最後一排( 大約第6-8排)
7 U4 C- e1 k) C9 o4 `既近window果個位
$ {: z/ J; j5 l  H  p2 ]' R2 a果個位係最正的 !!!! (原因不便透露)
$ B( Z  l" ~8 U3 u- d# D- b
* B; P( ?2 a( [* [有野睇呢~~~~hee hee
作者: nicky82    時間: 2005-5-7 03:44 PM

作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-7 04:12 PM

maybe what I am saying that you guys may not be happy
9 \! a: |- l4 C: {- o% y6 J6 J# ~but think deeply.
) Y) ~/ x  b$ m, ]Please RESPECT females!8 t; D) h# ^" E! _, I0 h" w
5 Q/ W- m2 S4 d, l# U6 d) d
your mum is female too!
) q. Y1 \: s- T$ I: g3 nTmr is mothers day0 z( [) o! |) Q% g8 p. w4 y# ]( u
Please respect the other gender.
7 F( ^7 |  \+ x, g; H- ?/ c9 M3 \, |6 I5 k0 I9 b
Don't think about sex TOO much, even on the bus,... or something else.& R8 A% I' R8 R+ `$ r+ D
It's not healthy in reality
, b7 b8 A8 ^% O5 e) ]& d. d7 t0 \9 N# a1 U6 n9 K4 d$ W3 ~3 a1 Y
Same as, if females look for boys on the bus and chooses the seats, will u be happy?  [  R; K+ n+ L2 ^
don't joke and say "yes"
- I$ \* Q3 y/ G/ {" X" S9 X1 \- b7 v- s+ A& j- h
Think this questions in your heart.
作者: iknow    時間: 2005-5-7 04:59 PM

5 `! s7 Q- z# S0 S; C4 }. c/ N& G6 [4 d+ Z
作者: michael~~    時間: 2005-5-7 05:20 PM

Originally posted by 良友 at 2005-5-7 12:00 PM:
' S8 Y1 A& C8 ID女好鐘意坐下層,但我鐘意上層皆因比較舒服
( G% m1 {. A5 ^$ q7 ~5 q3 R
: V, \+ @5 S5 J) ~0 y4 _+ `; [2 D) R但macau而家無e d巴士啦) |/ N, z( n8 W) ~  m
作者: MaxFigo    時間: 2005-5-7 06:04 PM

Originally posted by 良友 at 2005-5-7 12:00 PM:4 Y4 U, m# `4 ?5 x
  P4 L- H; Z  H, x  G' J) _4 ~
0 G0 t0 @. @* |) r( o7 L4 `0 _; a3 x2 k1 C% j* b/ }0 s
, X5 D. u4 R7 F. K+ s所以我都鐘意坐下層
作者: newman2005    時間: 2005-5-7 10:41 PM

上層啦, 因為上層唔俾人企, 所以覺得冇咁迫, 鬆動D.
作者: michael86    時間: 2005-5-7 10:45 PM

作者: 33023302    時間: 2005-5-8 01:08 AM

作者: 香港吹水佬    時間: 2005-5-8 03:18 PM

作者: Preston_tron    時間: 2005-5-8 04:15 PM

of course 上層 la it is quieter than 下層 i can see girls from 上層 and they cannot see me haha
作者: 老鬼X    時間: 2005-5-8 06:10 PM

作者: 甲狀腺    時間: 2005-5-8 06:57 PM

上層7 P) l0 [: }" v( a- y
作者: kaigi    時間: 2005-5-8 08:37 PM

# y7 R" t' \" }! ~6 c2 B2 v但有冇人知點解d女愛下層呢
作者: andychan4b    時間: 2005-5-8 10:00 PM

作者: robertchai    時間: 2005-5-9 02:49 AM

同各位講( }/ A$ v/ Y7 b$ f* P) p: y$ j" y
  S$ C5 w" s/ D! o, a5 l
' \6 A  r5 k2 l- g5 \& C. ?6 M/ ?意外既時候通常都係上層既死先( P5 S+ o1 |1 j8 W1 u$ @9 N' c) Y6 H
1)有硬物跌落黎,好似以前就有一支竹插入來死人既事: `# x0 k, ?) T# L, s8 I) G
2)拋出車外的話,拋物線非常之遠,死亡率比下層高N多倍(特別係最前排)8 G1 v9 g/ D# N# I% d. D0 L# E- ^& ?
3)車翻側既時候(颱風暴雨時,跌落橋底),死亡率亦比下層高N多倍7 h4 Q  r# M( h( M' T4 d! H- ]" s
+ A$ y8 U3 X! Y, H' M1 Z5)前面有可能拋出車外,後面有可能油缸起火(爆炸冇得講),而中間就正好有樓睇位掩護,比較安全
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 03:04 PM

油缸 is on the right side, under the stair position in all low platform buses.# H+ i! s7 d; q) v
Your details are wrong
作者: 樂壇渣Fit人    時間: 2005-5-9 04:20 PM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-9 15:04:' R7 I. J, p( K' ]' F( e
油缸 is on the right side, under the stair position in all low platform buses.7 o4 Z! s' ?1 }9 T
Your details are wrong
' g( C- c, [% F! C

4 v, C+ L* M- Ebright, 香港喎^^"
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 04:43 PM

Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-5-9 18:20:. x, L  g0 Q4 L; H- ]( z8 x
( B0 ]+ X: K8 f: G
6 a7 q! Y5 i& \9 y8 `
bright, 香港喎^^"
! J+ c7 p7 C% F  H9 q, X$ F: y/ n' P
remember I am a bus fans!
作者: 樂壇渣Fit人    時間: 2005-5-9 04:50 PM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-9 15:04:
& Q8 P1 P9 C: [3 J7 U. \# B油缸 is on the right side, under the stair position in all low platform buses.+ }+ Z; d& \! Q2 [/ {' m
Your details are wrong
$ n4 i! m+ {! @" e- d9 g
6 Q8 u+ C: W& F% X' O2 h
9 ~! w) ?; T- {" p8 w
香港仲有low platform buses? ^^"
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 04:53 PM

nearly all the buses (Golden colour buses) are low platform buses!!!
/ z6 T5 y6 A0 v, b& w( {. KWhite colour/non air-cond buses are called "platform buses"
2 K3 N1 S2 z/ `1 ~& ait's because you need to walk a step up when you catch a bus
作者: 樂壇渣Fit人    時間: 2005-5-9 04:55 PM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-9 16:53:; |' u$ X0 f5 s2 P" q
nearly all the buses (Golden colour buses) are low platform buses!!!: }1 w# e; b8 ]" L! F- I3 y
White colour/non air-cond buses are called "platform buses"
* C, ]* M: V8 Hit's because you need to walk a step up when you catch a bus$ T- \; l2 E2 m- h0 v
5 g! F) B7 ]. f4 A: L>>nearly all the buses (Golden colour buses)5 X- i: i/ Y7 v, H
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 04:59 PM

errr. wait for me...
/ Q' Q* O9 n5 D, |I need to give u some examples in my computer....
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 05:26 PM

The first photo is Dennis Trident 12M, with Citybus,one of the low platform bus model! L' f) E7 m7 j5 d0 m5 X
The second one is Leyland Olympain 12M, with "platform bus"0 U" P2 I4 [- X: v; w9 J
See clearly, that's 2 step if you go inside the bus.

圖片附件: dbctridp1_yellowdoors.jpg (2005-5-9 05:26 PM, 6 KB) / 下載次數 1

圖片附件: DCP00129.jpg (2005-5-9 05:26 PM, 68.7 KB) / 下載次數 4

作者: 樂壇渣Fit人    時間: 2005-5-9 05:32 PM

Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-9 17:26:
% Y- R1 W7 h& t9 w3 KThe first photo is Dennis Trident 12M, with Citybus,one of the low platform bus model
* n% h' P; g! G% Y! ?$ o/ k. L0 xThe second one is Leyland Olympain 12M, with "platform bus"  H# D& `% ~! v8 `2 Z
See clearly, that's 2 step if you go inside the bus.  }% ^* G" s- B7 W) |
/ h4 @1 X% ?, R5 \* k$ e! m' a

1 S4 `1 F! }: h) K0 `em...after your explanation, does that the difference between low and non-low one  depend on the distance from the ground to the door, right? ^^"
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 06:33 PM

Yes, Bingo!!!
作者: wolfevil    時間: 2005-5-9 06:58 PM

當然係上層好坐, 雖然上層比較危險4 R2 L( Q+ z9 V  J- `7 s" z2 O5 U, A
但係上層真係舒服 , 總覺得下層坐位比較窄,
  K/ q9 }/ H7 b" @9 E: ]( J上層睇街境好正, 撘長程d既車, 坐樓上欣賞風景一流
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-5-9 07:04 PM

Originally posted by wolfevil at 2005-5-9 20:58:
# }# N5 `8 {1 @5 I/ K; v' ~當然係上層好坐, 雖然上層比較危險0 a- B9 T8 o# A
但係上層真係舒服 , 總覺得下層坐位比較窄,0 ^; C% h( {2 Z3 y" S. U, t
上層睇街境好正, 撘長程d既車, 坐樓上欣賞風景一流
9 K; j9 E, k, z, [% a9 f

. Q9 x! }* j& E
4 Z$ f" P) F3 RIf you are sitting most of the bus models, excpet wnd generation of low platform buses. (i.e. Neoplan Centroliner II, with Man Engine, Enviro 500, (Dennis Enviro 500), Volvo Olympain with Wright body, plus Volvo Super Olympain II)
% D7 r: \/ @" N3 X  Z) ]The width of each bus seats in upper floor is 480mm
# T. _) ~  Z1 g5 C  rbut the width of each bus seats in lower floor is 380mm,
7 K' F3 G% u2 |that's why you feel  下層坐位比較窄 in most of the buses.
作者: sfxc0000    時間: 2005-5-9 08:00 PM

因為下層好大陣機油味, 搞到我好想嘔 =.="6 Q1 v9 n# W0 M* n/ n5 G. s0 @9 f
作者: alanmar    時間: 2005-5-10 07:25 PM

up lar
作者: beingkilled    時間: 2005-5-10 11:22 PM

8 r- w5 B5 v, K! D; n6 ?7 B有野睇又唔會有D死臭飛自以為好有型咁用膝頭頂住椅背,# C- u" w8 Z$ F& X, I9 i7 @" ?
作者: d228216    時間: 2005-5-10 11:23 PM

上層 望落街 睇波la
作者: join6471    時間: 2005-5-11 03:01 PM

Originally posted by MaxFigo at 2005-5-7 06:04 PM:
, }1 U* F0 q9 ]4 r( C- r; p
  s- ^- R  l+ g# x( s5 E
. s7 d4 }8 Z) P. r
7 Z# V7 l: `3 Q* X! _因為d女鐘意坐下層* v' {( z2 q6 L3 e2 c& b
' ]+ Y- H# K7 `+ t+ S+ L

+ U: T( n) P2 m9 v' V: ttotally agree
作者: 艾奧羅斯    時間: 2005-5-11 07:53 PM

返工鐘意坐下層(好多OL都係下層)( e5 o' ~+ j% R2 t' f
& @; B3 l2 Z" W5 i6 c平時坐上層...女友要求

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