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標題: 董建華請辭唔係去咗人大咩? [樂+] [打印本頁]

作者: roykenroy    時間: 2005-5-11 10:10 PM     標題: 董建華請辭唔係去咗人大咩? [樂+]

  D; N5 Z: r/ q0 I9 x2 `
" E- G. M# d% |6 N, z S! u) f, f/ ]8 j6 d
/ |- j. |5 z9 c0 H! Q

  Z! Z4 x' f+ G2 I: h; o" \' h6 [4 d8 K* L; e  K( |& _  p

9 e7 Y, b5 u% x7 e0 ^
5 m8 c: V& r. G[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-11 at 10:18 PM ]
作者: szekit88    時間: 2005-5-11 10:22 PM     標題: @@

3 F) a: O! T/ M: z8 B" r% B那一区的???
作者: vld2    時間: 2005-5-11 11:05 PM

人咩大ar,系政協ar傻仔,人講你又講,你識咩?% U) R! B! l8 W9 z# A' U
唔識又系到扮識,正跟尾狗。3 q" ^7 ^; f  A- T5 u) r# n" D$ W

0 j3 `6 S9 I5 ?7 I+ q. E) p# j至憎你呢種跟人尾吵怨巴閉嘅賤精,又冇料又冇腦,人地話乜就乜,唔怪得香港人甘膚淺。5 _; {! D; {3 i0 W* B

4 x" ^0 r$ p& L$ X, c霍英東都系政協副主席,咪照樣系香港,你估政協日日開會啊?傻仔。
* q. G6 C( w; y0 B
/ Y3 I, r5 U/ o. F8 w[ Last edited by vld2 on 2005-5-11 at 11:07 PM ]
作者: baatkung    時間: 2005-5-11 11:28 PM

作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-5-12 12:28 AM

Originally posted by vld2 at 2005-5-11 11:05 PM:
; x$ w* `/ c" X" O  c) ]人咩大ar,系政協ar傻仔,人講你又講...
3 Y& l3 D: h# l& `$ `
/ I$ W% R* A- M8 ^3 n8 B, b: IWow....did you eat chili pepper? Chill man....$ h; `9 p3 m# a: P% Y4 @; ^

4 k) v% q$ H$ a: I1 A6 k5 z7 }Let's be a bit more considerate and encouraging....
作者: roykenroy    時間: 2005-5-12 01:01 AM

' t3 |1 c+ Y2 [: ]1 E唔識又系到扮識,正跟尾狗。←由頭到尾都無扮到識
6 P2 @2 e. B5 n' D9 R7 ^0 x! `
0 F- S7 P4 i: {- q' A1 a1 Y/ D$ V至憎你呢種跟人尾吵怨巴閉嘅賤精,又冇料又冇腦,人地話乜就乜,唔怪得香港人甘膚淺。←香港人膚唔膚淺我就唔知,但係我係幾膚淺嫁!! J( p5 X1 _' v
9 C+ m/ @8 w% x" z# z2 T5 I
/ I" D1 S5 e! A3 `↑我冇估過佢地有冇會開喎,亦都冇興趣!真係會估既..都係阿媽生日想要咩、+ d5 [- ^1 \" e  j8 b5 C
+ x5 p- j" g2 ]  A; j: Q* h, P

) c$ b. k5 K! z& E4 x) _& H5 y我諗唔到開一個咁既post會令閣下有咁既反應,咁閣下就冇必要對我呢d跟尾狗、賤精、又冇料又冇腦、膚淺既香港人、傻仔...而觸怒喇,咪棧對牛彈琴兼浪費精神!. ?( O9 z0 G$ @- R$ O( b0 U0 j0 u5 P2 a
不如留住氣力去公開貢獻或教育社會!  若果本人可供閣下發洩或舒緩情緒,亦算拾獲功德,本人亦無所謂。
; P/ _$ C9 ^/ Z0 m/ r上網遊覽、發表及回覆只係本人既娛樂,亦無意引起任何冒犯、挑釁或展開罵戰!% ^# |7 t8 D  M2 b
# y1 z4 |) u0 ], u4 Z/ t

# G& h# ]7 R5 ^, l! Y[ Last edited by roykenroy on 2005-5-12 at 01:37 AM ]
作者: 本篤十六世    時間: 2005-5-12 02:38 AM     標題: i also want to +fun

Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-5-12 01:12 AM:
3 S: G6 c, |% j+ L! w& T8 G4 H難得roykenroy兄明白事理, 不受挑引" U& \) o: `4 ]
6 B/ Y& g- c* ~& f: X: \7 X+ z
i also want to +fun because i have reported this2 X! p- _4 n4 t  A1 [
bad guy and this case to版務區  you see?
作者: 本篤十六世    時間: 2005-5-12 02:41 AM     標題: i am sorry

Originally posted by vld2 at 2005-5-11 11:05 PM:. m9 w4 ?. o- ~! W5 W+ |
+ A: N; j/ G2 `( V
i am sorry but i have reported what you said to 版務區
8 g, M  h8 G$ I$ |1 m6 f! ?( xbecause i want to +fun ar,sorry ar,give me more fun la
3 F+ t: c8 S& |$ t; X" nand more and more.i am so selfish ga i want to be 版主( l" Z! S; O+ h
作者: MaxFigo    時間: 2005-5-12 03:01 AM

Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-5-12 02:41 AM:
* f; q( @' F+ R* R- O' s' j4 T* U* u- N5 X$ T
i am sorry but i have reported what you said to 版務區 - W4 i; W5 B0 [+ s) l# \
because i want to +fun ar,sorry ar,give me more fun la  @$ K7 k, w3 h7 l
and more and more.i am so selfish ga i want to be 版主
0 C: ]% G$ \; {0 x- Y6 C, {yeah
7 R' o, }& M+ L# x) P5 b& o7 k; C7 n% k& X8 H9 q$ A* B6 v9 Q

! T5 q$ A; e2 `你......咁搞野ge = =
7 g& P5 G6 q' w8 g' ^1 n: q* z2 n5 p# T" o; Z& N. S  c

  ?- ?, S, G7 p, B- L+ w哈哈!
) k$ \1 A, }$ y3 ^3 v3 A) s6 H有乜咁出奇je!因為佢係....
5 O* ]; w% M: |: S- f3 y% J香港特別行區小巴司機會副主席
作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-5-12 09:01 AM

i am sorry but i have reported what you said to 版務區   s1 k! S4 R. K' l6 x+ K5 f% I& ~  z
because i want to +fun ar,sorry ar,give me more fun la
' @% |( H$ F$ m7 x! R3 xand more and more.i am so selfish ga i want to be 版主
1 J9 m" p1 A0 [# n- S  G* t% ]6 Uyeah [/quote]
1 T: A0 U4 u# g, o2 @+ S+ k4 _/ ~5 f+ B5 }3 O7 r7 \
But having more points (not fun) does make you 版主 wor!? 版主 is appointed by admin ga. & p; Q1 a9 P0 y
Having more points will grant you more access to the archive pix though.
: i8 ?' f# I, r, @# B9 W2 I1 R: w3 `; Z( _
You're so funny man....doing the sweeping and reporting jobs. You've already +fun (not points) to us.
0 d" k( y' B8 D2 L
- p1 S5 E1 g7 M8 U  oI enjoyed your pix and comments recently! Nice work man.4 T3 b, ]; O& ~+ X/ T, h- M7 A  r
3 u6 m! [$ B4 ], V# [
作者: 本篤十六世    時間: 2005-5-12 03:04 PM     標題: i don't agree with you

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-12 09:01 AM:
; L6 e+ T+ Y+ ii am sorry but i have reported what...
) c! S) \: i* r8 ~& p5 N4 q( I2 P
i don't agree with you,you have no points,1 I; Z  h( Z2 T8 ~' N
if you have 0 point can you be 版主ar?- @5 s+ D+ v$ K; U( E# x
but if 3000 or 4000,it will be much more easy
  |- V) b  ?# _1 \. Z6 u+ O* Bto applicate版主.Use your brain la.
作者: 良友    時間: 2005-5-12 03:15 PM

作者: kkkk789    時間: 2005-5-12 03:21 PM

條友係唔係shotshot地7 g. Y3 f% |; `5 L4 d
  }. z0 G9 z' A/ w, E$ R可能佢係極端愛國人士
作者: jasonkat    時間: 2005-5-12 06:21 PM

作者: 本篤十六世    時間: 2005-5-12 11:09 PM     標題: thanks for your support

Originally posted by 良友 at 2005-5-12 03:15 PM:
) C( Z6 d! r7 O2 Q( ]9 I4 G1 W哈哈,教宗好好笑
9 n1 h: F+ g" b7 A5 |! phehehe
作者: mark072610    時間: 2005-5-13 01:26 AM

作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-5-13 01:38 AM

Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-5-12 03:04 PM:) K3 y* O( X, l# v

  F; U9 a2 ^4 Li don't agree with you,you have no points,
, i+ f4 {( W, ?/ |3 i& ]! y8 C) vif you have 0 point can you be 版主ar?0 F8 }/ `5 J1 l: ^7 ?/ c7 s8 }
but if 3000 or 4000,it will be much more easy
: l& C; c& X% t+ j3 |1 Nto applicate版主.Use your brain la.
% {: d$ l+ \. O, J! l) y
* k; X3 y, @+ ~8 I3 R" \' jHow about the case in brother BonBonBon ?
4 x) F, ?# V, _8 Y' \He has roughly 376 pts.....and he's already a 版主 la....
! \9 B* E3 @8 P  ^+ p9 \3 p% F  N& q9 q$ t$ k0 U
I appreciate your honesty (selfish..etc.) and raw attitude. Good pix and comments (other than "I want to add points" would surely make you a cool poster and eventually be a 版主 someday. You have some good posts recently and your sense of humor is great.
4 v5 E( {  F4 @1 V9 Y2 o. J, J2 n- q6 u) l% q
Patience is the key...buddy.
. w  ^! Z" m; Y7 m- _& H* U4 _# ^* n9 U6 g+ ?: i; Y

作者: benng668    時間: 2005-5-13 01:43 AM

don't know, but the only place he can still live now is China.

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