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標題: 有無試過柯完X無廁紙 點解決呢? [樂+] [打印本頁]

作者: ilovefuckingyou    時間: 2005-5-12 05:04 PM     標題: 有無試過柯完X無廁紙 點解決呢? [樂+]

點解決呢?????????????) N9 X2 l6 T! M, B, m& D

) q+ r; E' J1 [: k; D$ M[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-12 at 09:58 PM ]
作者: ken9ging    時間: 2005-5-12 05:17 PM

the story is...   my fren and his brother went to their tutor's place... and his brother used the toilet la...  but no toilet paper woh... then he used his tutor's socks hanging in the toilet to wipe his ass...   and flush it....but...u know what happen la....haha...
作者: ilovefuckingyou    時間: 2005-5-12 05:26 PM

Originally posted by ken9ging at 2005-5-12 05:17 PM:
: j# W3 K7 T: r, m& l& W; M) ?2 G# Wthe story is...   my fren and his b...
! i( V* K& I$ ~( F& O
6 c  u$ H% E+ g" S, Z
作者: william303    時間: 2005-5-12 05:27 PM

作者: ilovefuckingyou    時間: 2005-5-12 05:31 PM

我屋企常備1大條切紙,就算真係無,咪沖埋涼,no big due...
$ b' R9 o; q' ~7 }! I, T) B不過如果係街...大家有無試過?
作者: michaelwong71    時間: 2005-5-12 05:49 PM

yes.  once only.  no tissue.  i used the only small paper in the wallet to clean, carefully.  Very carefully.  Then, use a small calendar to clean the rest.  Again very carefully.  So, it is my advice to keep a calendar in your wallet, otherwise, use your lover's photo.  She may not mind to serve you in this way.
作者: william303    時間: 2005-5-12 05:55 PM

Originally posted by michaelwong71 at 2005-5-12 05:49 PM:
# I; f; g+ _8 u2 k9 y0 Y  kyes.  once only.  no tissue.  i use...
" l3 v$ [& Z5 {1 x+ t
yes.  once only.  no tissue.  i used the only small paper in the wallet to clean, carefully.  Very carefully.  Then, use a small calendar to clean the rest.  Again very carefully.  So, it is my advice to keep a calendar in your wallet, otherwise, use your lover's photo.  She may not mind to serve you in this way.
. d1 P, J5 n" o$ u. v! Z5 G! [如果俾佢知道貓有條命都唔夠死呀!
作者: jasonkat    時間: 2005-5-12 06:21 PM

作者: ilovefuckingyou    時間: 2005-5-12 06:21 PM

作者: 老鬼X    時間: 2005-5-12 09:10 PM

我未試過!如果有就即刻沖涼+ {8 F' e7 O1 k3 N7 V1 v
但係試過放工肚痛返到屋企無切紙^^:$ U1 ^0 p0 d4 ^# H
咁俾你係咪立即落街買呀?( [. f+ X! V3 X( w' C& u
好死唔死個陣我住緊 唐7樓!!!!
4 j1 A; M6 Y, ?' v點?9秒9飛落街買o羅0 K  c$ R3 _' W% v, b
諗起都慘 嗚...嗚...嗚
作者: roykenroy    時間: 2005-5-12 09:41 PM

Funny topic!: q3 J1 p; H* t6 c7 b9 e- h' d! \* p
柯屎冇廁紙,唯有用手指!  z( J6 }  }+ c& x* K1 _. l
作者: 大家樂1234    時間: 2005-5-12 10:20 PM

我未試過+ I: ?8 B7 s- P' ~
我會去d有廁紙既廁所3 ~9 E6 U9 C. \% v. W
5 H% k  j1 b) t2 a或者拎d報紙
8 z' r: n! {8 v7 M再唔係拎條底褲
作者: 老鬼X    時間: 2005-5-12 10:47 PM

Originally posted by roykenroy at 19xx-6-30 21:41:
4 w0 h4 _$ J7 G, R3 F5 l' hFunny topic!$ ]. q3 s- t: n' H- z
+ m8 |7 g6 k. D5 N( I
2 f+ e) J. r& z6 b/ z! U4 H
作者: 史艷文2    時間: 2005-5-13 01:37 AM

2 {; \/ b/ h( I% U6 U我試過呀!!
: J( o* t; z1 \* {3 ^# p9 J太急,去完先知冇厠紙.  M+ C9 X$ P7 r5 X+ `. r% |8 v
作者: honeyharajuku    時間: 2005-5-13 10:06 AM

9 @; J: T% v1 e我老死走左去次所"開大".
( S: [: E+ G9 o  d( [6 s" m+ ?) D佢一舉完手問miss去唔去得.7 P  T" b6 @9 l3 c/ M$ c) N
唔理miss點答就砰砰聲衝左出去喇!! ?/ O- e/ S8 g* t
當時已經好"魚"嫁啦...點知..$ ]5 ~6 O& T; `- F) A) q
佢仲打黎我度問我      "兄弟.你有冇次紙呀????"/ [% S7 t# M% f2 m: B9 j
9 g& h& j" n! V2 v" M9 {3 k) w
4 N7 \; ?( v" p' a當時思想幼稚.係女面前唔衰得...(仆街!啊屎都要比人笑!!!咩道理!!)/ ?! o! s/ w9 N! W6 `) n7 D' |
心諗.."啊果個又唔係我.冇理由要我問人有冇紙嫁...(以前唔會帶紙巾出街); Q4 @; h0 g7 g; A. _+ R

3 o6 t. s, i2 T3 Q5 z* k8 V竹之谷銀氣..撕走幾頁"中屎"拿去比我老死"敏屎"!!!!!
作者: ming8964    時間: 2005-5-13 02:12 PM     標題: 無廁紙, 用紙巾!!!

無問題, 我隨身梗有一兩包紙巾做後備, 因為是免費隨報附送, 用得唔好浪費, 同時因職業需要通街走, 紙巾防身必不可小!!!
作者: lliu    時間: 2005-5-13 03:50 PM

Never happen wor....
  m9 E  T3 ^6 X3 z9 M8 Jbut It will be a bigger problem if u need to goto toliet, and there is no toliet around.9 `# @, z- V* ~9 Q& K+ B  ?
happen to me so often
作者: 良友    時間: 2005-5-13 05:47 PM

作者: ilovefuckingyou    時間: 2005-5-13 08:41 PM

Originally posted by 良友 at 2005-5-13 05:47 PM:
4 L) P5 L8 t  J) uYES,用條底褲抆,抆能完頂[隆]唔著架ja
' s; `5 S% ~! ^  n8 a( S7 I/ v) f# ~

+ V! C+ u* e1 M7 V: Z: h咁如果你抆完,個肚又痛起來...咁點算????
作者: 大家樂1234    時間: 2005-5-13 11:06 PM

Originally posted by honeyharajuku at 2005-5-13 10:06 AM:1 b3 P1 L2 F: M. P- g; V% u8 g
以前讀中學果時.上上下堂啵..9 a- G& q+ O0 f( l
7 L* c1 K1 ~+ A* `. k8 V嘩~你老死打電話比你話佢無廁紙?
作者: 大家樂1234    時間: 2005-5-13 11:07 PM

Originally posted by ilove---you at 2005-5-13 08:41 PM:
* E0 p# h6 W/ Y" s- l1 O- o9 m+ D$ U: k

8 G  p8 m7 ]  s+ E2 \/ R' |, E咁如果你抆完,個肚又痛起來...咁點算????
5 B, L0 O; e. Z. I
買個塞 塞住去
作者: 亨九利    時間: 2005-5-13 11:48 PM

唔"吻"囉, 吹呀!!!
6 X$ M- ~" Z& u- ?

圖片附件: 係呀, 吹咩.jpg (2005-5-13 11:48 PM, 13.9 KB) / 下載次數 9

作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-5-13 11:49 PM

Originally posted by ilove---you at 2005-5-12 06:21 PM:- b0 s2 `0 J% v( m: }5 s
' [4 S6 B" {3 [' A
- j5 S0 ^" h1 ^You must be loaded with $.9 T( _' t5 Y! D( A  {; W) b9 `4 G# p
But the banknote is so hard and it will scratch you a-hole wor!
' d6 q7 d- e" e$ \! ^& Q" @( L/ N
My method at public toilets:* f. L% q* f% X' |" {' W

. ^; w' g& _1 I( `6 FIf my 'deposit' are 'hard' on that instance, I would first put my left and right hand on the respective halves of my ass...pull it sideways to test if there are residues leftover or not. When clear, I would rub the two halves gently until I feel the touching points of both sides are dry. I would pull my pants back on  and head to a place for tissue ASAP.
% S) v9 v7 h* ]: Z! W
% \5 n3 t8 l' |/ t' WIn the case of a wet deposit. The steps are similiar but I would pull the gap open so it can dry up faster.
7 j3 I# f' \" A& @7 ~
: u7 B0 d' E" M* s2 }One word of caution: never pull too hard with you hands....
作者: crap    時間: 2005-5-14 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-14 01:49 AM:- P, J" ~* F: R/ O# s' H

4 b5 ~7 F2 \: a- v/ U
3 p5 V5 r  ?9 l( V6 [You must be loaded with $.
& z$ d) O5 e7 L  ]& }" YBut...
& ?+ l3 i# r# `8 A
8 n( F* B1 `. ]8 ^) V
O MAN.............6 u, g: B9 ?$ _8 Q! t; W% W
i'm having my breakfast......
4 f6 k7 ^$ ~2 @8 x" O
1 z4 {; R% m) f, E+ yanyway, that's good method
作者: Christy~呀華    時間: 2005-5-14 06:51 PM

打電話叫朋友入呢!: ?  u2 y# D0 N3 `( S
作者: robertchai    時間: 2005-5-15 07:33 AM


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