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標題: 有關project嘅問題~~~~ [打印本頁]

作者: neitly    時間: 2005-7-5 05:45 PM     標題: 有關project嘅問題~~~~

我希望各位or英文好的人help help 我~
: O$ A7 t2 x, ~5 T4 V係咁嘅,我地要做個英文project,係有關健力士世界紀錄大全(英文),係唔打唔撞之下,我地組竟然唔知點解會係個班入面win左,要代表個班係全級面前同各班比賽.我所寫的英文內容和感想淺到可以係三年級都識睇,(最初,我諗住係個班入面,個個都咁勁,都唔會win,so寫啲白痴英文,因為我啲英文水平都唔好,但老師話我地win,要去比賽..我就好擔心..我個組啲人個個都有兄弟姊妹,佢地全篇作文都唔係佢地作,而我自己又係獨生..當然係冇人會幫我...佢地唔幫未算,重要笑我啲英文...)再加上又有我鍾意嘅人會睇住我比賽,我實在各得我啲好醜...1 _2 F- h: T  @
所以我好希望各位可以幫幫我,作一篇大約200字以上嘅內容概要和大約220字嘅感想,,9 i# J' B" p  B8 }5 P# L! ]
1 t9 N& l- x7 g% a
( w( w4 j; w/ f- y有關project嘅文章,我choose 左呢一篇:4 J0 q0 ]& v/ p  Q. _9 z- _0 P  →   HUMAN BODY   →  Body Parts  →  第二頁  →  第三個(六隻手指和腳指)
* B+ f' D( }- r0 C; O& I(我只有兩日時間做呢一個文章,因為我7/7要比賽)- Z, {$ [$ r; m2 H) k& N, B
你地可以一人作一句句子,好似接龍咁,我都唔介意~' N' P; G+ Q, u/ o& g( f

$ t, O1 f& k! [( a) [/ ]: U: g' W
; h/ `6 i( R! c$ A+ k) D其實我知道有好多人都唔會幫我or唔會理呢篇文章,但我點解仍然會打呢篇文章?係因為我深信一定有啲善心嘅人可以幫到我,所以我才花大量時間去打呢篇文章(因為我唔係好識打速成)~; ]& h' ^% f9 B6 m! Y/ M% G
- w5 ~! t& N( u
作者: sysykiller01    時間: 2005-7-5 06:06 PM

6 A+ }4 u+ h: B2 b  _+ v我得中三我驚我幫唔到手
作者: 周衡    時間: 2005-7-5 06:26 PM

Originally posted by sysykiller01 at 2005-7-5 06:06 PM:# K  D. _$ F. R3 C  o5 N- s2 m/ p# w( u
: C% n/ J" N* j. y  b- e% V' w我得中三我驚我幫唔到手
/ ?; a6 a7 z; ?! V& C  [# s( B
9 m! z$ z* I- S, b  d' s9 h+ O係,你首先要講你幾年級,如果你小學,比中學d野你都會話深
) M' T1 F2 Q& i# g如果你中學,比中學d野你可能會話易
作者: sarah_ent    時間: 2005-7-5 07:06 PM

我睇完果篇文野喇,但係你想我地點幫你?; Z2 z. u! k, k
你想另外寫篇你對於呢個六指人既個人睇法 or what?: D/ B5 p8 _3 f
- i) h3 B) }! y& h% c你要提供多少少 information 我地先知點幫你。
作者: neitly    時間: 2005-7-5 08:04 PM

Originally posted by 周衡 at 2005-7-5 06:26 PM:# E9 I; w4 R" k# f! E: B) H

8 b* W4 h5 v" q- }7 E# H
$ t5 |: N+ n' f" u' \係,你首先要講你幾年級,如果你小學,比中學d野你都會話深) M+ C! \, F6 L1 ~) X2 j) h
) ~; B: T/ M2 h0 \; |+ k. J# R5 x我今年中一~~
作者: neitly    時間: 2005-7-5 08:25 PM

Originally posted by sarah_ent at 2005-7-5 07:06 PM:
. L" G) T0 P4 a  n3 p8 |我睇完果篇文野喇,但係你想我地點幫...
) ~8 T# M$ F4 A! c/ x$ @我想寫嘅2篇係:1)有關六指人嘅內容概要7 L: C3 m; }" R
      2)我對六指人嘅睇法% t7 O% b  A  h& q# C

, ?) y+ k4 c, Z! V, H我所講既220字感想係我對六指人嘅睇法,不是賽後感想.
$ x0 |4 }) |* Z: Q: _$ x
& n' n/ d6 F& F3 P0 u多謝咁多位睇我篇文~
0 j% V$ a  I# A( ZThank you!
作者: kingkong007    時間: 2005-7-6 07:18 PM

+ A2 z: @( }2 h7 \9 j6 ^叫人幫你寫唔係幾好囉.. 你陣間唔明遍野講乜~ 而家叻左, 下次唔掂咪更樣衰?, Q( t$ E4 x8 }( w* c
如果你寫好左可以 post 上黎幫你睇下既~
" @: S4 o3 u! b. D9 t# J' G2 G+ z; c3 R
不過我入唔倒去睇,最好你 post 埋片文上黎啦% y  ?5 s% d! n/ N
: A2 @1 I: E& J; ]5 d4 U( [6 r
[ Last edited by kingkong007 on 2005-7-6 at 07:23 PM ]
作者: neitly    時間: 2005-7-6 08:28 PM

Originally posted by kingkong007 at 2005-7-6 07:18 PM:, I) K! H6 f# S& l  t% ^& s
不如你自己先寫一篇,搵人幫你改下啦.3 X7 F5 F) R8 v' m
+ Q. F6 g4 m# o4 Q4 ?
我已經post咗有關那篇六隻手指文章嘅內容,我又post我自己嘅感想,我所寫的英文很淺,希’望有人可以幫我加一啲較深嘅字落去~thx~1 B4 j7 j2 s) Z

$ v7 Y6 I) r% o9 Y  r/ c那篇六隻手指文章嘅內容圖畫如果睇唔清嘅話,可以save落去自己電腦到,放大啲睇,就好清楚桇啦~
; n  |. k+ f* G4 k+ z: |$ y, G" P9 [" ~: y5 J1 @9 [# S0 e7 Y
thank you~+ W  d- h/ s1 K6 y* t

; I: j$ n$ w/ @% c8 P我的感想:" g7 B7 J6 r0 Z- z) p& N9 {$ h$ C$ a. a
5 ?' W; \) V4 _
  When I saw this news, I feel very surprise~ It is because he doesn’t like another people, he has six fingers~ This is my first one to saw this things, It make me can know more some different special things in the world. We do this project. I ‘m very enjoy do this project! Although the project it is so difficulties, but we are not desist! When we finish this project, we happy very much*^.^*We are also can learn many about different country’s different thing~

圖片附件: 未命名fg.JPG (2005-7-6 08:28 PM, 68 KB) / 下載次數 6

作者: kingkong007    時間: 2005-7-6 09:19 PM

5 C7 |* B; e3 y% W2 [& \. }$ N2 `; `- v1 s( o
  When I saw this news, I feel very surprise~ It is because he doesn’t like another people, he has six fingers~ This is my first one to saw this things, It make me can know more some different special things in the world. We do this project. I ‘m very enjoy do this project! Although the project it is so difficulties, but we are not desist! When we finish this project, we happy very much*^.^*We are also can learn many about different country’s different thing~9 _) \0 h( b& w; z
" O* q4 ]3 o0 j) d: E# S# K
) N( M: R9 U! C# {( B+ B; n. iAfter reading this world record, I was surprised. He is abnormal because he has six fingers on his hand. It surprised me a lot because this is my first time to touch this kind of case. It reminds me that there are lot's of special things happened around the world. I enjoy doing this project. Although the project is difficult, we did not desist. We were very happy when we finish this project. We also learned about different things happen around countries.% ?- C6 D# Y. n, s4 H
0 I* m+ ?0 W$ R, |* G4 P
都改左幾多下,唔知係咪岩晒, 唔知中三.的文法學到邊.
- v* O& A- \( q% R  A 不過怕唔怕寫.的野同你平時寫既差太遠? 俾人捉倒唔好返來鬧我呀~
4 C6 ~: A3 _6 C  q/ F如果怕,就靜係改紫色果.的,因為果.的錯得好明顯
作者: 代仔    時間: 2005-7-7 12:30 AM

朋友///sample is the best

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