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標題: 大家覺得在現實世界裏以下邊三個最重要[00+][積極+] [打印本頁]

作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-8-9 10:12 AM     標題: 大家覺得在現實世界裏以下邊三個最重要[00+][積極+]

例子:  在公司裏, 有d人說態度最重要, 因有知識及努力, 態度唔好就一様會被人抄油魚。9 O( p* {' J8 u, e0 E3 ]& C1 s

, V- Q4 Q# E9 R) Q. [1 L但又有人說努力最重要, 因有努力, 就唔怕做苦功。; N1 n8 b; A/ Y/ _. s$ y6 E

" m4 a) y& [, j# _gum 知識leh?  知識重要嗎?  有多知識就多唔同種工作可選擇。
, u% C" y7 i5 h; \' }8 c; Y6 P. q% X+ J* y. ^/ g
& y: F  n- _1 M. W; B
+ `6 O" {! J( w
在一個website裏, 我發現了這張圖片。  他說態度最重要。, I% y& M' T0 |/ Q
" M# |4 |, Y* ~) y7 @! p1 a

+ W9 J  ^  P6 @  j  e% B大家覺得知識, 努力, 態度邊個最重要?
' _2 B0 Y. F# ?* t7 w) ^( o, N
. }' h+ h8 V" ]/ A, [/ ?# D[ Last edited by sfxc0000 on 2005-8-9 at 12:01 PM ]

圖片附件: full_mark.jpg (2005-8-9 10:12 AM, 84.4 KB) / 下載次數 58

作者: Asurada129    時間: 2005-8-9 10:50 AM

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-8-9 10:12 AM:
# g0 r+ `( v- W3 T  z4 O* Y例子:  8 W2 q% m2 U5 [" m- p+ C) _7 R
有d人說態度最重要, 因有知識及努力, 態度唔好就一様會被人抄油魚。1 ^! `; B  D: Z; Q/ f
但又有人說努力最重要, 因有努力, 就唔怕做苦功。
! D% ]4 n( [' [. r( ~; {3 fgum 知識leh?  知識重要嗎?  有多知識就多唔同種工作可選擇。" L1 y& x/ a& ^# m7 P# f2 N
5 I$ w3 r  n* W5 p' n1 h) f' k
大家覺得知識, 努力, 態度邊個最重要?
. T) b+ p/ F4 _$ ~

8 |) n0 @" t# M' o; m) V/ ~純粹個人意見.....
* d* S8 q6 w7 ?/ S: J( c, m5 x' A6 g( I0 Y
$ d) C) K/ U# G* [# M3 [: @/ J4 l' G  g$ E9 Z, j! }5 B
有好既學習態度 >才有推動力去用心&努力去求學 >方得到知識
  Y  Q5 g  y" t
, a+ O5 T+ T% X1 d6 @; L0 Q8 v/ w而個人認為態度重要d...即是按上述知識係後天努力既成果(努力係原素)
1 H  h+ V1 |3 t
% E, X- o. R2 t又應用於公司.../ J2 D$ T3 Z  c  O5 t
1 @3 I: i" e. l0 m5 K努力則是原素, 唔努力做好自己本分邊有收成, 冇收成冇得著(經驗). Y* y4 j2 }5 `+ a  i
最後態度, 冇一個好既工作態度, 邊有一個得到老闆信任既機會, 放手俾你去試, 去發揮
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-8-9 10:59 AM

Turst me,/ c+ ?: Z; I1 v2 p
knowledge is not the most important thing in any environment around the world
" }, n) m1 _( P
0 J5 x( E; u7 S; A2 wWhen everyone was young, they wish they could be smart and solve it by themselves4 _9 L- v! W) v4 P* s
$ {+ c& G+ U! L! X4 \* T
But later on in our life
; _5 N# v& K; ]% G
3 Z9 }8 X. O# b+ {Team work,attiude and hard working become the most important factors in our society- x  \0 l( Q. \) ?4 d* N9 j
We could be solving problems in "dumb" ways. {( E. }: {9 Z" M# D9 e
but we never solve the problems if that's no any team work/any hard working......
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-8-9 11:21 AM

我覺得首先要攪清楚 "態度" 是指什麼. 究竟是對外的表面還是對內關於做人.
, Q5 J4 T" ^& V/ V/ f8 Z. ]- r3 ~
如果引用問題裡面講的工作例子, 我覺得比較偏向前者. 即是比較表面(為什麼人人說工作得愈久, 假面具會愈多). 在這情況下, 我覺得三者是一個平衡, 缺一不可.
: {. ^' R9 U1 s如果大家是老闆或別人上司就知原因.
" n3 E& z% D  l態度好, 唔努力, 冇知識 ---> 刷鞋 ?
- N5 i- \/ J! j; w$ ?態度差, 好努力, 冇知識 ---> 唔合群的牛 ?
& W0 f1 [6 t8 X0 x9 U! Y7 |- L態度差, 唔努力, 有知識 ----> 好吋有料的懶蟲 ?0 V8 r  [1 A( ~8 {! [+ r
態度好, 好努力, 冇知識 ----> 幫唔到手的牛 (開始可以忍, 比時間你學, 但耐d?)% w! q# L7 `. o8 s5 p3 G5 r
態度好, 唔努力, 有知識 ----> 有料的刷鞋仔 ? 老闆時常覺得恨鐡不成鋼.! u% b# [! k% _- c
態度差, 好努力, 有知識 ----> 唔合群有料大寸有 ? (需要你時會忍你, 唔需要時 ...)
; y/ L8 n) B" b' n) }0 O/ q  c5 R& E態度好, 好努力, 有知識 ----> 正員工
9 T) i' f+ U, F& B, O( C以上會見到, 要態度, 努力, 知識三個加起來才是王道, 先會玩得長久.
( _  I, ?& o4 M4 n8 B' ~! S; \; y8 p  w/ G% i* G# h8 ~' q
如果態度升級指做人. 這就會變成一個大範圍的做人正面要素.  簡單d講, 當一個人有好的做人態度, 他就會在日常各方面向好做到最好.6 k0 h# G7 F' h9 ~/ W0 I# U
即是說, 好態度 --> 好努力 (其中一樣好的態度) --> 知識會自然來到 (當然要加一些謙虛態度) ........ 有些似2樓說的.
2 s9 s+ q/ T  C* l在這情況下, 態度當然是最重要.
作者: 亨九利    時間: 2005-8-9 12:01 PM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-8-9 11:21:
- D/ g4 T; R3 ?- o; M% H# G, p我覺得首先要攪清楚 "態度"...
) N% M4 @5 I6 |
我係態度差, 唔努力, 又冇知識......請問有乜評語?
作者: fatfatdragon    時間: 2005-8-9 12:21 PM

Originally posted by 亨九利 at 2005-8-9 12:01 PM:
% K) {1 m# d! M4 v
7 c! @$ R0 _  o  g我係態度差, 唔努力, 又冇知識......請問有乜評語?
( i$ ~/ b0 \. o* @2 s: _( x0 S  F2 f# [5 X$ E
/ F% K4 v) ^8 a: W! O! M
7 C; L+ f" J3 _/ x+ ^" R" k' U如果三樣都差唔知可唔可以叫 - 頂心杉 ...... (joke )
作者: abcde1918    時間: 2005-8-9 12:23 PM

我係態度超差, 勁唔努力, 冇咩知識,唔知點些
作者: 亨九利    時間: 2005-8-9 12:25 PM

Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-8-9 12:21:) O! L" O. F! a$ B

7 ~+ p  T: ?; ^9 k  m' x" O+ e* h6 b) r& D
; `5 V7 P* i, |3 W6 v' {
  {$ f% v7 U; X) U& l$ _如果三樣都差唔知可唔可以叫 - 頂心杉 ...... (joke )
: V7 O0 O* `( w- \
靚仔就梗ga la, 我仲有一招足以傲視天下, 就係:................金鎗不倒!!!
作者: 亨九利    時間: 2005-8-9 12:26 PM

Originally posted by abcde1918 at 2005-8-9 12:23:
$ S! A7 X, v/ b& h. k我係態度超差, 勁唔努力, 冇咩知識,唔知點些
/ w/ O7 }- j! e9 t( K, v$ b/ f
作者: abcde1918    時間: 2005-8-9 12:33 PM

Originally posted by 亨九利 at 2005-8-9 12:26 PM:% P# G+ s, ?, q. H

1 X. ]3 q3 \$ @& M0 N3 A超級頂心杉
% _% K- O1 W8 f+ lNo,係超超超超超超超超級級級級級級級頂心杉
作者: waithung    時間: 2005-8-9 05:04 PM

stupid>>>19+20+21+16+9+4=89# U) J: v/ R9 R6 S+ }! i' ^0 l
genius>>>7+5+14+9+21+19=753 p2 L. G! D( {
0 n( m& l  ^* N1 u- ^$ s2 [! f
作者: tenmadio    時間: 2005-8-9 06:37 PM

Originally posted by waithung at 8/9/2005 17:04:& N1 x; G) }2 v: z  ?5 ~( }
stupid>>>19+20+21+16+9+4=896 @# m9 i! p/ X
genius>>>7+5+14+9+21+19=75$ C) g  v8 ]* F/ h

9 z" \* M2 ~; o/ m, Y按照以上的方程,我寧願做一個蠢才~
" J. R) ?( p- B! }/ W) A4 |
' y3 Y9 ?1 |- e2 C
# x2 W* K( g1 `9 A8 f! F  W& O6 [* jhaha$ |: F3 s3 @6 N9 Q- ~% l
u never know ga, 有時有d 老版專請蠢才來做苦功,
! q% ]- d5 ^/ q4 j9 J# K) ]8 M: Y& r8 h# b/ }

' \* w$ Y. H1 x) f8 n可能易恰d
作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-8-9 07:00 PM

Originally posted by waithung at 2005-8-9 19:04:
' C+ F* C1 u7 [. Mstupid>>>19+20+21+16+9+4=894 f, W2 V# Z9 N$ Y3 g, Y
genius>>>7+5+14+9+21+19=75" B2 W% w  `2 i* ~0 l3 g! Y5 w

! t+ g$ Q5 `/ n3 Y' A' Q0 |% ~7 @1 Y按照以上的方程,我寧願做一個蠢才~
5 k1 g- R6 N3 F$ n7 T2 [pls don't post other website in your signature.4 e8 Q3 y4 z) k& o
thank you.
作者: slwong3    時間: 2005-8-9 08:24 PM

....I think 努力 is the most important...6 S* Y9 e4 x8 f$ q" C0 ]
you work harder than other people, you double your chances for everything
作者: loklok117    時間: 2005-8-9 08:44 PM     標題: 態度比較重要

我覺得有知識好緊要,但多數有知識既都未必有好態度: {8 o( f" g& ]( I; f* M" D+ l6 z" Q7 v
有努力既人,通常都係無咩知識,所以先要努力,將勤保拙3 u/ Y/ d+ O; z. \) q
- o1 C+ Y/ Y0 b+ Q: Y2 {4 f) R- Z3 x" a* }: D
作者: loklok117    時間: 2005-8-9 08:50 PM     標題: 亨九利

Originally posted by 亨九利 at 2005-8-9 12:01 PM:2 F7 {: b  q8 K: e, j# h2 b
3 R+ P& d2 V* N7 Y, ^- q
我係態度差, 唔努力, 又冇知識......請問有乜評語?
( v. f, Q9 v, u3 C
! Y$ R# ^# X- l/ o/ E- i
$ D# X  Q, T4 B1 d5 W. n2 l亨九利,幾攪笑woo+ V! L. J3 ~# U0 c4 @
作者: wingboy2080    時間: 2005-8-9 09:10 PM

作者: red16    時間: 2005-8-10 08:22 AM

7 \, }& ^/ x# O, ?+ P4 f5 v$ `然后就是态度、知识,但如果你一样都没有的话,努力也是很重要的一点
作者: 貓仔+貓仔    時間: 2005-8-10 01:01 PM

我認為忠心是所有老板最喜歡的.& E# L  Z( ^- I  @- T* w$ q. f  K& U$ v2 m
" d$ Q' ^* H" P$ m) B3 y
作者: treeman    時間: 2005-8-10 07:20 PM

認同2樓樓主意見^_^. C. Y* V- _6 ~4 l9 |

: D3 {7 [$ e1 O/ @) l3樣都是相輔相成的...1個不可少
$ H9 R) G4 S7 c. T2 B, }: R; D, i  X1 q
  |7 X8 k0 P- }" H' C# F
/ E* M0 S, T+ [3 y1 t) m% P$ o- y冇一個好的態度打頭陣, 就無機會去發揮所長, 到時有努力有知識都無用....得物無所用* o& Z0 m" R' s  K* `
但另一方面又唔可以話所有都以態度行頭......因機會是"態度+努力"既成果...所以應"態度+努力"為重要......4 o$ D, I  P# Q4 @% i

* o6 ?, l/ V6 e' ?# L但仍覺得"態度"佔既比重多d
作者: sq2773    時間: 2005-8-10 10:08 PM

I couldn't help to think those ppl who voted for Attitude are those who don't want to work hard and have no knowledge.  
  E* V- I) f) l# o9 ]
( S" U8 x0 j  j  z! `Anyways, my vote goes to hardwork.
作者: hoho886    時間: 2005-8-10 10:49 PM

2 j5 l) j  v( ~/ b但態度係最重要,如果你對你住你d上司: e! U3 o& z9 F6 A
態度唔好,就真係比機會佢抄你既,如果你對你上司: T: {: l! i5 w* T2 \! v3 J
' i& y+ F" C1 {* k
! V: z$ S: G: _  c比勁多野你做,又駡下你而知識都係唔可以小既,
3 ]; `' u9 J. y5 C2 u' O# I如果你好多野唔識,佢咁唔會比多d野你做,( ^6 B$ x2 N, w2 h0 R
% I* o6 i* G! l$ q$ U" N0 a1 Q& Z
! s- j3 Y3 J5 j2 o& @你雖然努力,但你既努力人地會唔會容易比人見到,2 N! d$ B7 r$ u
努力左你自己知道,有d人會知,但係你上司可能唔係好知.& p: e7 I2 _# p& s) \4 I6 z
可能會以為你d野做好耐都未做好,其實你做好,想再做好d" C: M% I+ Q5 E! w; J" Z# Z
作者: johnwu    時間: 2005-8-11 02:01 PM

+ l  I3 m  j1 L4 g. f" f如果你知識勁, 人人冇左你吾得, 禁其他就無所謂, 有最好, 冇亦無人吹得你漲
作者: 本篤十七世    時間: 2005-8-11 07:27 PM

Can we possibly accquire all knowledges necessary for career? , Q& l# f* l3 b# d' n9 m
# h+ C9 p$ x* j
The reality is knowledge builds faster than we can say the word 26FUN these days. Most, if not all of us, are doing catch up. Sure we need a minimum amount of knowledge for our 'convenience' in career (like a Bachelor's) if we have some sort of expectations in our standard of living. On the contrary, blindfully trusting knowledge's power would only disappoint us in the long run. One good example is back in the 80s and 90s many youngsters from the Greater China Region memorized the whole TOEFL exam and did well on the real test. If they were to be tested on the spot for their English skills (both convesational and written) the results would look gorgous. But the reality is high TOEFL scores doesn't transform one to have good Eng commands. They have the knowledge but their adaptability is awefully low and they contributed to their struggles as new students.' I9 d/ f7 [0 d
+ |* E/ j; p- r& E% i2 }: N
I am surprised to see only 2 votes in hardwork...don't know if the word brings too many negative connotations to our dear definition of hardwork is "to maintain a consistant pace and effort while consciously enough not to burn oneself out". I would cast my votes on hardwork because knowledge and attitude won't show up until hardwork drives them to work!
! d2 {4 r/ M' O4 A" l3 r: `9 q- p) b3 G2 u. w
At M$ there used to be a way of evaluating members of a team when the project is done. Each member (including the team leader) is given a sum of points and he/she would have to give points to each member accordingly. The trick here is you only have so many points (say 30) and you have to divide them between yourself and other members. (If you give yourself 10 then you only leave 20 for 4 other members, for example) The interesting thing of this scale is the highest point getters aren't necessary the one who are the smartest (lots of knowledge) or hardest working (there are many), but ones who process the best attitude (not necessary shoe-shinning) among group members.
' m0 Y- b2 Z8 g0 x( N' [# T( s% k8 @- A9 I# O) C. C" {/ z# F
Let's be frank here, only 17% of people aged from 18-25 of this world get the chance to study beyond Secondary education. Knowledge doesn't come like a piece of cake and many are deprived. Attitude is somehow inborn and you may not be able to change it drastically. If you have the above items, great! But if you don't, hardwork at least gives you a chance to do fairly in life. # T3 D& p7 ^% f2 a
4 Y2 o4 L( P3 [. j# E
And for those who played around w/ this question, shame on you!
作者: 甘國武    時間: 2005-8-12 12:02 AM

Originally posted by 本篤十七世 at 2005-8-11 07:27 PM:( u5 M& Z; A, ~8 m1 z, {6 T* {. d
Can we possibly accquire all knowle...
: O8 i% N/ N5 k' y4 `" w真好,又見到你~

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