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標題: 就業環境好=經濟好? [打印本頁]

作者: join6471    時間: 2005-9-4 03:16 PM     標題: 就業環境好=經濟好?

作者: 新經濟學巨人    時間: 2005-9-4 06:48 PM

  n2 I' b% S/ s( [$ ]- w( q0 A2 S: M. l* U! u
第一,什麼叫環境好,定義?9 |# `$ r( p* L$ d4 |, q& @# C

4 b- i, U1 `2 o- G& u第二,什麼叫經濟好,定義?
) P% T6 r! r" p1 f5 R) c
4 g: J5 p7 V1 O* Y就打工仔之言,經濟好係,工作條件,工資增長等等
5 P) S9 ?7 v/ H& q
6 j; L6 ]0 ^& K" C
0 A4 ~: @/ Q0 W  k( a0 E

0 \; f+ h" B$ r5 s! j9 F[ Last edited by 新經濟學巨人 on 2005-9-4 at 06:49 PM ]
作者: join6471    時間: 2005-9-4 06:53 PM

Originally posted by 新經濟學巨人 at 2005-9-4 06:48 PM:
8 ]# N5 O6 I4 w3 b" j4 D有兩個問題- E4 W' S& J0 k. P6 U  V* t

- a/ i2 Z5 q, X. P5 @3 I2 `2 B0 o: g第一,什麼叫...
! f" S" s2 d  W( @
so what is the Objective definition of:7 R% Y( R! m' V; |# Y9 [- ~" Z
7 q3 }' u% j0 E$ g  @# @" ]( n* f; l* W0 J

作者: shiulubull    時間: 2005-9-4 08:52 PM

Originally posted by join6471 at 2005-9-4 06:53 PM:
6 x) K9 w3 A5 H# |! p) Y6 P1 ?; B6 [/ S' V$ B
so what is the Objective definition of:+ b4 z% b6 S. e! G+ z) z
5 U' R" g5 O" y2 }7 L) p' O
2 ~" c- A' s3 K. r第二,什麼叫經濟好,定義?
& W$ `2 E  S8 \! F% c' q. u! ]3 {
2 C+ N0 D* S5 I6 ]0 j$ ^
This is your own question in the first place, you will only achieve what you want unless you define you own variable instead of letting others to define their objective definition
作者: 迷途小羔羊    時間: 2005-9-5 03:29 AM

我唔知你既水平去到邊啦,其實你讀過少少經濟,都會覺得你自己個問題根本唔合邏輯; j, [9 @5 B( j5 v4 l
) u" p1 o( h+ S' g1 {就業環境只是其中一項指標去反映經濟情況的好壞。
" O, ~2 Y9 r( o2 ^; E6 c就就業環境而言,失業率只是當中一項指標,還要看就業率,及就業不足率如何。4 L0 U: Z; h0 E$ _! d& a
經濟好壞的其他指標,還有其他很多,如消費物價指數、國民生產總值、資源分佈情況等等0 w& W6 ?5 ~( o; h" h: |
% Y( b/ ^2 O; }打個比喻,你問既問題就好似:四肢健全=身體健康
作者: rexhong2002    時間: 2005-9-5 11:04 PM

作者: 迷途小羔羊    時間: 2005-9-5 11:46 PM

Originally posted by rexhong2002 at 2005-9-5 11:04 PM:& R8 n) M. X; K
- c* C0 A" S0 {; d" D5 G不廢喎!你所講既「hk就業率高的時候【大部份】總比低的時候經濟佳」/ i4 U- D! `# q( N/ u: o* r, `
作者: bwk0317    時間: 2005-9-6 02:03 AM

We work very fast and hard in HK, but still earning LESS wages than USA and most of the European countries, where they used to work slow, relax and lazy, but they all have better living standard than us, WHY?6 n! ^% d8 t: ^; q

1 s2 K) a" k$ t' V( JHK people should not be proud of this anymore, working hard and fast wont help to increase your money, because Asia n people's destiny is bad, only white caucfilter-074 destiny is lucky and have better life. They see HK is like how HK ppl see Thailand / mainland China!

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