可惜都係做唔住作者: 阿感 時間: 2005-9-10 12:16 AM
有,以前o係學校圖書館睇作者: michaelyip.com 時間: 2005-9-10 12:47 AM
我仲老餅, 我睇英國波既, 好鍾意本"英國足球畫冊", 1997年度停刊, 之後2003年話復刊, 出兩期又摺埋了.作者: german 時間: 2005-9-10 02:36 AM
我儲左60幾70本係屋企作者: shaqkobe 時間: 2005-9-10 02:53 AM
好細個果時有睇。作者: brightlee 時間: 2005-9-10 06:01 AM
well, when they are printing to 紙面..
I don't want to read anymore..
and the news........... well,... it's not that good at the end...
espeically when they started to have GAMBLING and TIPS sections....作者: 張仔 時間: 2005-9-10 07:29 AM
我都有睇架....個時十幾.....冇咩錢都要期期買...作者: rayallen 時間: 2005-9-10 09:33 AM