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標題: 〔原創〕 悼霑叔 [打印本頁]

作者: Gretzky    時間: 2005-11-21 03:24 PM     標題: 〔原創〕 悼霑叔

+ D4 K( [! b6 \1 j
% i6 c7 {- ~$ v$ ~4 Z" y某天無聊,趁機oraganize我iTunes的目錄,發覺原來自己的Canto Pop taste 根本離不開霑叔和輝哥的影響。我得承認,他們對我的music taste是有深遠的啟蒙。(雖然現在我每次聽Canto Pop都有種被強暴的感覺) 我甚至可以講,霑叔收爐後叫我完全投入John Coltrane and some classical gurus. 今日我慶幸當年作了這個decision.
! S7 I  w+ X6 M7 t8 k# O- Q- `; C& W+ b7 ?% m& q0 q
當然霑叔也不是完人,某情度上他的感情生活是一個mess. You can say he is happy with Winnie at last, but the regrets have given him too much burden to enjoy the present.  C$ y+ M) W# J9 C

% |& P  G  X" ]3 ?8 h我不認同霑叔的life philosophy, but I admire his 魄力和遠見。
: M0 U; S' ?6 x5 B% x: E0 i4 M! N& ]2 Y! P! e. x
九十年代中,當垃圾歌開始污染我們的music industry。其事霑叔可以豁出去,大大聲protest, 搶救我們的耳朵和靈魂。但他選擇prepare 讀Ph.D.,研久一個主流媒體沒有興趣的題目 – 粵曲。
- y  i9 ]- G) ?% Y+ I; E6 }7 M
8 f3 D2 k! D4 u9 T7 D' IWhat a strange decision at a strange time in this playwright’s life.
! x0 X) }. j3 r1 h6 @! R3 H7 F8 \) H3 M
我對 粵曲認識不多,不適合comment on 他的thesis, 但我知霑叔用了自己一生最寶貴的資源  - 他對music嘅passion and knowledge,去做了一生最important的事 – pass on his knowledge to the later generation.
! U- ]- ?( n0 o3 o2 K, H8 ~! S$ d7 X% ^8 l. V6 j9 X: i. b
今日有幾多年輕人知到自己的抱負是什麼?又有幾多人肯為自己目標而吃幾年苦?7 l& }, [. v4 N% O
; Y3 @+ X: W0 a/ m% i7 N) W0 \3 i
成工是一定要付代價的。幸運只是一部車子,if you don’t know how to drive…you do not go anywhere., h# U8 m! O# u3 {. i8 U
* f9 u/ B6 H: |, e
幾天後各大愚樂板又會有一D 【霑叔xxxxxxx】,【XXXxxxxx霑叔xxxxx】,【霑叔前xxx, xxxxx, xxxx】。你有興趣嗎?我就免了。  B; U4 W2 r; t$ [; @
+ S: y. l. ]6 Z' G' t& ?
我會open 我的iTunes (BTW, theyare all legal song copies), listen to a few songs and quietly evaluating how I am doing with my aspirations.
作者: BOYDWAN    時間: 2005-11-21 07:05 PM

作者: brightlee    時間: 2005-11-21 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-11-21 17:24:$ o& _3 D8 H6 e7 [( s
2 Y& ?  j/ H- t; j: w
4 z# M# A; u- L9 t# u/ d: t某天無聊,趁...
+ W9 l5 I: e; m" ?0 Z* I0 ?
well, listening to his songs
" p" w& }: O3 O- E( ithat's a great feeling..1 t: y& v& `9 k9 u' v1 ]
cos.... you can think a lot.. where's YOUR heart?
( z  j5 _' d9 q' B' {( S% tdo u still need to stubborn in some silly things??

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