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標題: 近三十年最佳球隊 [打印本頁]

作者: 151515    時間: 2006-1-2 05:29 PM     標題: 近三十年最佳球隊

My father says:
現今全能球隊,如果我話巴塞羅拿第二, 那麼就沒有第一,全隊球員全力以付,連平時踢開
前鋒都知唔順要返後半場Mark人, 但伊度奧就反傳統, 時常回後搶波, 今到其他球員唔走多步都唔好意思, 中場有幾位超於常人的球員,如果佢地在其他球隊一樣係重心人物,我講緊就係今年的世界足球先生細哨,還有高,沙維,美斯等等, 左右後位又出位,中堅及清道夫可以話殺波準包波靚, 連後備都係球星, 我希望今年巴塞能復仇成功打敗車仔,
雖然我都後喜歡車路士, 佢地一樣係一隊近年難得一見的勁壘
作者: adamjacky123    時間: 2006-1-2 05:32 PM

作者: kakeidevil    時間: 2006-1-2 05:40 PM

唔係好明你講咩= =
作者: CHECSS    時間: 2006-1-2 05:44 PM

Originally posted by adamjacky123 at 2006/1/2 17:32:

作者: 迷途小羔羊    時間: 2006-1-2 05:54 PM

作者: kwongsiu    時間: 2006-1-2 07:05 PM

Originally posted by 151515 at 2006-1-2 17:29:
My father says:
作者: hung414    時間: 2006-1-4 02:12 PM

basically...each era...has it own best team....
but it will never compare the best 70's to 90's...
no point to do so...
but nowaday........the best teams maybe Chelsea and Bacelona....not becoz of they r rich team
but they can bring out a msg to everyone..what is the interesting of soccer...
no one plike play/watch 9-0-1 tactic...
but a balance and interesting game is worth for watching
just these two team can play such style now...R.Madrid..!? no way...wasting $ to buy player law
作者: cwc_tkd    時間: 2006-1-4 08:56 PM


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