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just back....a bit tired.
read ur post.....nvm la..still got chance ma Ian
atleast u got the email address already.send something to her lor
wo lai la.....but no body here?
aiks....tata& kaka ler?
Ian,how was going with your小師妹?few day not hear from u ler...any news to update me?
Originally posted by ian2910 at 2006-10-25 10:36 PM:

just email some travel photo ...
aiks...can get the hand phone number??call her out for the casual date la...maybe invite her for the movie....any nice movie recently??erm...
simply tell some bullshit story laa.....haha,then ask her out for dinner or whatever la.she still single now but not always man....u have to fast if not will regret ler.... i support you.
hihi guswan...1st time meet you.how are you!!
Originally posted by ian2910 at 2006-10-25 10:47 PM:

thanks a lot!!

i think i need to do something.............
ya...better let her know ma.maybe she also have feel ler.
who's know??atleast you try it...dont always ask people how to do it!!!
just do it!!!!!100000support you...
i go out supper with friends 1st...later back to chat with your guys.
hope can see tata& kaka soon!!!!
Originally posted by ian2910 at 2006-10-26 02:06 PM:


event 訓醒,感覺仍在.........好真實.....
sry,Ian...my supper till morning 4am.tired till can't open my eyes.;p
anyway,this dream mind be come true if u still not step move forward.
how was going?any plan??
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