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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 黃安琪被鬧直播出街
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原帖由 e_e 於 2008-8-12 01:00 PM 發表

徐嘉諾講咩都得 , 超人呀
聼佢講snooker 同 golf 真係嘔血
謝謝有主版加分, 些些呢.   

若不喜, 仲鬧人唔識中文, 又話係某人喎, 仲要人慎入才回喎, 邊有噤惡架.

有會員跟尾狗話, 相比之下我D所謂既HDTVCAP 質素差好多, 謹慎諗了還是唔識回??? [img]http://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthr ... p;page=1#pid3877072[/img]

黃安琪就係工作落力先幫到觀眾做訪問, 出色記者都係靠WEAR爛塊面先成功訪問到名人, 俾著大牌主持人DXDX姐, 相信唔會忍得自己俾人鬧
原帖由 darkensun 於 2008-8-13 02:23 AM 發表
黃安琪就係工作落力先幫到觀眾做訪問, 出色記者都係靠WEAR爛塊面先成功訪問到名人, 俾著大牌主持人DXDX姐, 相信唔會忍得自己俾人鬧
係黃安琪都係因奧運不停訪問到猛而出位 ,
如果出位就錫身 , 我覺得咁就唔岩羅~~
its showing the others that chinese like to break rules, cannot be trusted
once u taking 2 more min., it means the reporters following u delay 2 min. or it might end up someone losing 2 min. of reporting, the worst case is the last one or more might losing the chance to make the reporting as someone has taken the only 2 min. they have, because the atheletes have limited time for the interviews as they have to do the test within a time period after the competition
so, on some means, its called Stealing
its like when u pick up $10 on the street, u r not being lucky but someone definitely being unfortunate as someone just lost $10 when u pick it up, the $10 wont fall on the street for no reason
the world is this bad because as someone starts not following rules, it will lead others not to follow as well
what happen if its the other way around? when you can't see the interview because some other reporters have taken the time our HK reporters suppose to have? how would u feel?
its a selfish action, and it might not just end like this, because what goes around, comes around
once ya image is bad, maybe u wont able to get permissions for other things in the future, who knows

[ 本帖最後由 dawander3r 於 2008-8-13 03:38 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 sage 於 2008-8-11 10:10 PM 發表
who is wong on kei?
傻傻更更 大茄
any video can see
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 黃安琪被鬧直播出街

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