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Stocks in zigzag
Encouraging news on jobs and inflation countered by big losses from Citi and Merrill.
Merrill Lynch reported results shortly after 6:30 a.m. ET, saying its third-quarter loss was worse than expected, largely due to $8.5 billion in writedowns related to bad mortgage debt.

Citi posted a smaller-than-expected quarterly loss at 7:00 a.m. ET, though the bank said its revenue was lower than analysts' predictions. The loss was partially due to about $12 billion in writedowns related to credit and loan losses

Bush defends bailout
President explains intervention in financial system as necessary to prevent a wider crisis
Bush said the government would limit its intervention in size and scope, and did not intend to nationalize the banking system. "The government intervention is not a government takeover," he said.
60 people get jobs today from stimulus package today.

Good Job Pres Obama
we have 3,500,000 - 6 = 3,499,994 Job position to be filled....
原帖由 Triangel 於 2009-3-4 02:40 AM 發表
60 people get jobs today from stimulus package today.

Good Job Pres Obama
we have 3,500,000 - 6 = 3,499,994 Job position to be filled....
60 peoples or 6 peoples
原帖由 clkgtr 於 2009-3-4 02:49 AM 發表

60 peoples or 6 peoples
Good catch
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