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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 99% new 24" imac
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99% new 24" imac

2.4 GHz320 HD
$10000 can nego

tsing yi exchange
no pic no talk........................
原帖由 VIIV 於 2008-8-30 01:20 PM 發表 no pic no talk........................
what CPU? how come only 1Gb RAM? includes full set? keyboard mouse box? new model 20" with 320HD and 2.4CPU is only $9xxx, 24" already include 2Gb RAM 2.8CPU and more... 10k too expensive bor.

[ 本帖最後由 foto188 於 2008-8-30 01:35 PM 編輯 ]
hey guy

do u know the different of 20" & 24"
原帖由 ckhderrick 於 2008-8-30 01:43 PM 發表 hey guy do u know the different of 20" & 24"
yes, but i also know the difference between old and new...

i was interested that's why i asked...
More details on the specification and picture (the one your sell), please.
hear that there is going to be a price drop on the imacs..might be good to wait
thank you
no pic no talk........................
no pic no talk........................
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 99% new 24" imac

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