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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 真心問--- 香港有冇資格主辦奧運??
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真心問--- 香港有冇資格主辦奧運??

真心問--- 香港有冇資格主辦奧運??


 仲要起完 啲人可以去個運動場之餘仲可以周圍shopping, 行街


我己經十幾年自己住的地方永遠有樓起緊呀 ~~~~~~~~~~ 

而且香港無咩特別文化特色,又成日只係識抄日本抄台灣創意 ...
As many people have pointed out right in the beginning, we don't have enough LAND!!
It is the core problem. And it is the root of all the problems.
See how good we are with such small piece of land. We can even compete with the world on such tiny land you can't even see in the atlas. Therefore, can you imagine how strong HK could be if we have a bigger land. It is actually a simple math. By multiplying the ratio of our land size to the land size of a nation by our economy, you will see how large our economy can possibly be. It would be a huge number, probably more than a large nation does have. On top of that, the calculation omits many factors a large land would have such as natural resources.
Regardless of the economy, many things we have are already world class such as medication, etc. Even HKU has a high rank in the world. This is because we have a healthy economy and strong human assets.
All we lack is land. It is a limit that we cannot overcome. Just like no matter how advance humans can become, there is impossible to become God.
As other have said, where can we build all the facilities e.g. Arenas, Olympic Village, etc. which require meeting certain conditions e.g. Air Pollution in HK. Regardless of the facilities, the Olympic will bring in a lot of atheletes and also attract a lot of tourists coming into HK. I don't think we have enough hotels for them. Moreover, it also elaborates another problem which is our current transportation system is unable to serve them all as well. We are crowded with our own population already. There's not even enough space for them just to stand.
If we have enough land, the ability of our atheletes could be raised. We are lack of facilities and resources for them to train. You can tell why the gold medalists are always from China, USA, and Russia. They have one similarity, not because of money as there is still a high poverty rate in Russia and China till now, which is that they all have a big land.
How many art school we have in HK? How many facilities we have for developing our atheletes?
Even many of the atheletes have to query for the use of the public recreational facilities on the street. E.g. If you wanna play soccer, go down the street and share the soccer field with the oldies and the kids. Line up for an hour or more, it will be almost for your turn.
It leads to another stupidity for building the West Kowloon Recreational Center (whatever it is called in English) in my opinion. We don't even have any facilities to develope the talents, why do we build such huge facility when the talents aren't there at all. How many talents have quitted right from the beginning because they know there is no future for atheletes or artists in HK? Before you start doing anything, you must have a reason and evidences to support this reason. Then, what is the reason to build such West Kowloon Recreational Center? Who is our target? Do our target meet the required amount in order to utilize the facility at a maximum point?
I just noticed that after I've watced the movie "Step Up".
Everyone learns street dance or whatever on the streets. That's why HK people go to the area outside of Cultural Center. It is like that everywhere in this world. But there are places e.g. art school/college you can go to if you want to further develop your skills in other nations. Then, what if some of our youngsters have talents and they are also hard working? Where do they go in HK?
For music and art, all the HK talents must go to Japan or Korea to elaborate their skills and knowledge, if they are rich enough, they would go to US or Europe instead. How many of them are rich enough to afford such a large expense? Once they come back, they also don't have a healthy environment for them to utilize what they have been trained so far. The market is small. I guess you will see the same dancers in TVB in every show until they retire.
So, end up the Center will be used by the current famous artists e.g. HK Philharmonic, HK singers, etc. who already have their own place to perform constantly or let the famous painters to show off their artworks sometimes in such a high expense facility which instead could do that in anywhere.
I believe many people would be appreciated for the government's good intention but a poor deployment is definitely not acceptable. You got to think of the necessary pre- & post- exercises as well in order to secure the use of the Center could be utilized effectively upon the original expectation. Otherwise, as the tradional saying says, you are learning to run before you learn to walk.

[ 本帖最後由 dawander3r 於 2008-8-17 03:12 AM 編輯 ]


協辦都已經好抆水啦 !

當初國際馬術總會係堅決反對俾香港架, 後來霍生搵公主唔知點傾至lur到返黎.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 真心問--- 香港有冇資格主辦奧運??

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