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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 搵人救救我o既computer ar!!!!!
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搵人救救我o既computer ar!!!!!


去到load windows 果度...姐係一個XP logo 果度呢
有條bar 會move 果度...佢就成日自己停鬼左...

唔識move...就load 唔到入windows....



有冇brother 識搞ar....呢樣野困擾左我好耐na!!!
一生一世支持多蒙特,Support u forever Borussia Dortmund
應該都係時候Format 重裝Windows XP 啦

Bill Gates D野就係咁樣
Originally posted by lookityourself at 2007-4-12 02:31 AM:

去到load win...
個Hard Disk 可能已經損壞
7    6      5    4     3    2    1
WindowXP damaged! Total Loss!!
Re-install window,
I have once before
買個新hardisk 安裝windows
舊的hardisk 不要format 複寫
用Handy Recovery 程式 試試救不救到d檔案啦
貼圖不是求分數, 大家一齊努力貼好圖; 良好討論氣氛, 有賴大家支持!
try safe mode or re-install windows
this problem is mostly caused by an incorrect windows shut down, which cause windows crash, or a hardware conflict problem.

5 options to rescue ur computer=

1# if you have backuped ur windows, use it to recover windows, if you dont have it go to option 2.

2# check if u can get to windows safe mode, if you cant go in go to option 3.

if u can go in it, go to device manager and check if u have any conflicts with hardware, or mayb if u have installed a new hardware, disable it in device manager, or just take it out of ur computer, if u dont c any problems, go to option 3

3# insert the windows instalation cd, press enter after loading, then press enter again for choosing instal a new windows, then press f8 for acepting the eula, after that choose the partition where u have installed windows then it says that there is already a windows installed, Press R to repair it, the setup will then looks like it will install a new windows, but u will just keep ur data, it will only reinstall the folders;  program files windows system files etc.  if this doesnt work, go to option 4.

4# just install a clean windows. if this doesnt solve the problem, its probably a hardware problem, if u can find it out ur self which hardware is causing that problem, solve it. if not go to option 5.

5# bring it to a computer shop/company and say help,  check what hardware is causing this problem, and show them ur problem. (u will have to bring ur computer to them (duh))

hope this will help u ^_^

[ Last edited by KC-Alen on 2007-4-19 at 07:55 PM ]
em .... 你部腦用o左幾耐, 同埋係咩 config o架?
會唔會係裝得太多垃雜野而唔夠 system resources 入 window 呢
如果入 safe mode 係好正常o既話
不如你先試o下放少 d o野o係 window boot up  (用 msconfig)
另外試下用 d software 黎 clean o下 registry, 太亂會影響 efficiency
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 搵人救救我o既computer ar!!!!!

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