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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 想問下,有冇飲過依利奶品
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$ m3 T9 C5 e; k8 p我平時會飲維記、十字牌
原帖由 kakeidevil 於 2008-9-18 07:56 PM 發表 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
  r8 A' q- v3 L2 L7 y" N8 J' x屋企有十幾箱,成日當水飲,都飲左幾年
& N. t, `) U3 D0 r8 e" f/ |, ^; P
+ p) n- w6 V( E* [5 R! D, Z+ j) q  p我今日先低價買左d 1 公斤裝, 打算當樽裝奶賣 (講笑)
有~~大肚果陣飲....7 s3 q$ s2 l  v
好彩佢夠難飲....: }8 a( `- B6 o5 O
我飲左一排 (3lit) 就已經無飲......4 c0 ?* P3 p0 d( C3 x, G' H
of coz NO la
( k- ^# k% U5 h. b3 S& Knot buying anything made in china especially F&B, only except DVD player, the china brands r the best, lol' x$ U2 H5 [0 n6 T2 d0 M& C# c
not even buying dairy farm products now, and vitasoy soymilk products" i" `2 O; ]: N" M, |
because the news had reported they had PROBLEMS on their products in their China factories and u r unable to tell where they are manufactured because i don't know how our stupid regulations let them to put "PRODUCTS OF HK" which replaces where they are made!!!!!!!!!
* Y: \6 e- m& ~- P/ O* Ni only trust 十字牌, made in HK NT man, just hope the area is not polluted, and the new workers would not do anything stupid n put us in threat
& |6 S. ]0 y! t; wdon't depend on the lazy government to tell u which products have problem, they won't investigate until quite some people have reported to be infected( \7 H$ ]+ I* @- Z% N# C/ A
, c  H: j( P. T% O- p" q呢幾年都慣左去7仔買鮮奶(維記或十字牌樽裝)
) a( K; y. E1 a- n覺得鮮奶比較易入口~" `( p( R/ |( p- ~! S- h1 `# q; u+ X& A
# N& A0 B5 I8 F3 @% ~" [& U! h
保鮮紙包裝果D(e.g.澳洲保利牛奶)始終覺得冇咁好飲,1 n1 q% g! U3 l/ R- U0 e* e8 ?
大陸出品(如蒙牛依利)那些,好坦白講我冇信心,: L0 u; V, r5 I" U! y
依家出事,唔係證明我有先見之明," T' L4 }, K. G( T

# }2 U( b8 T( l7 W# }你話我有偏見都好,
9 X: q8 C& F) |講品質(尤其食落肚果D),我就一定盡量唔會買大陸產品 1 P* n6 k& w, p4 G5 \# i# g
I buy a lot of 依利 1Lx3 packs weekly, shit, today I just had one full glass of this milk before the news reported that this milk product is poison, shit! Damn to all those people who made poison food to people.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 想問下,有冇飲過依利奶品

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