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ClamWin Antivirus 0.90.1 *Free*

ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003. It provides a graphical user interface to the Clam AntiVirus engine. It features a command line interface for scanning files, updating the virus definitions, and a daemon for faster scanning needed on high performance systems.
ClamWin Free Antivirus For Windows is a completely free and open source anti-virus software package. It uses the GNU General Public License by the Free Software Foundation.

Key features:
- High detection rates for viruses and spyware;
- Scanning Scheduler;
- Automatic downloads of Virus Database updates. ClamAV team regularly updates Virus Databases to include a new virus/variant immediately after it appears;
- Standalone Virus Scanner;
- Right-Click Menu Integration to Microsoft Windows Explorer;
- Addin to Microsoft Outlook to remove virus-infected attachments automatically. Built-in support for mbox, Maildir and raw mail files
- Built-in support for RAR (2.0), Zip, Gzip, Bzip2, Tar, MS OLE2, MS Cabinet files, MS CHM (Compressed HTML), MS SZDD
- Built-in support for Portable Executable files compressed with UPX, FSG, and Petite

Changes in Version 0.91 - 12 March 2007:
- Upgraded ClamAV to 0.90.1
- Fixed relative path problem with database lock mechanism in freshclam
- Supressed getfile and getpatch errors for intranet database updates
- Added a warning if the database is older than 3 days
- Minor bugfixes

ClamWin Antivirus 0.90.1 | MoreInfo
個 detection rate 好低,同一般常用 av 軟件 (kav, norton, nod, antivir, avast ...) 差好遠咁!


不過佢可以安裝响 USB flash drive 度,直接執行,用來幫 friend 掃毒都幾好用

[ Last edited by acery2k on 2007-3-18 at 08:04 AM ]

[ Last edited by leochan1991 on 2007-3-18 at 09:32 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » ClamWin Antivirus 0.90.1 *Free*

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