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HDD Health

Can any brother advises me what means the "S.M.A.R.T. - Raw Read Error Rate", my harddisk drop from 118 to 96 (Worst 94), and also what means the "Prediction's Precision", raise from 25% to 44%, one % increase daily.

Does this software really help to check the harddisk's health, I am confuse that it always read the harddisk and may be damage to the harddisk in another way.

I am confused too, since i recently also wanna check my hdd health, and I  cannot get along with the terms

For Diagnose IBM / Hitachi hardisk try their web site download software
and for other brand, check their own website for such tools, different brand got different architecture, check individual website for their own tools
or this freeware

http://www.download.com/DiskChec ... 96.html?tag=lst-0-1

PassMark Software

PassMark DiskCheckup is a tiny program that allows the user to monitor the SMART attributes of a particular hard disk drive. SMART ( Self-Monitoring Analysis & Reporting Technology ) is an interface between a computer's BIOS (basic input/output system) and the computer hard disk. It is a feature of the Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE) technology that controls access to the hard drive. If S.M.A.R.T is enabled when a computer is set up, the BIOS can receive analytical information from the hard drive and determine whether to send the user a warning message about possible future failure of the hard drive. SMART monitors elements of possible long term drive failure, such as 'Spin Up Time', the number of start/stops, the number of hours powered on and the temperature. DiskCheckup also displays some additional drive information, such as the drive serial number, model number, the number of cylinders, tracks, the sectors per track.
Version 1.1 build 1002 includes XP style controls, an improved help file and several bug fixes.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » HDD Health

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