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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 無線好白痴睇睇下又播廣告
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do you know when you can watch a lot of live games in HK, you are blessed already?!
IT'd be stupid in Australia as commercial TV channels are putting a lot of TV ads and no live games (except swimming) up to now in this channel

Nothing live at night time.. can you believe it?!

We are talking about Australia -- many HK people are thinking this country should be developing much better than HK
原帖由 brightlee 於 2008-8-14 07:49 PM 發表
We are talking about Australia -- many HK people are thinking this country should be developing much better than HK
唔會掛 ,問下D曾到澳洲留學o既,都一定會話澳洲D電視節目同安排都悶死人呀
you know what are they doing now?!

They took live basketball game for US vs Greece for first 7 mins, then GO BACK to have another HEATS in swimming (man, HEATS, not semi-final!) then when they got back to broadcast that game.. there'd be 7 mins left in 2nd quarter!

There'd be another HEATS in swimming to block this game, and then, giving us an delaying game up to half time.

After that, they REPLAYED AGAIN (maybe the 6th or 7th time) for the 4 x200m females swimming rally as AUSTRALIA WON THE GOLD MEDAL today
Then they broadcast the live game for Australian Hockey game...

Up to now, they don't broadcast back the 2nd half of US vs Greece

This stupid channel force people couldn't login NBC website or CCTV to watch live stream...

U could see how lucky if you are in HK now!
原帖由 brightlee 於 2008-8-14 09:47 PM 發表
you know what are they doing now?!

They took live basketball game for US vs Greece for first 7 mins, then GO BACK to have another HEATS in swimming (man, HEATS, not semi-final!) then when they got ba ...
原帖由 奪命老妖 於 2008-8-14 10:03 PM 發表

there's no LIVE boardcast~~~even they say Live...it's only delay live~!!!!
there's live event...the Opening Ceremony~~except that...i hvnt seen any live boardcast in this olympic~~
even the government channel~~~
原帖由 arthur8088 於 2008-8-14 10:10 PM 發表

there's no LIVE boardcast~~~even they say Live...it's only delay live~!!!!
there's live event...the Opening Ceremony~~except that...i hvnt seen any live boardcast in this olympic~~
even the governm ...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» Sports討論版 » 北京奧運2008 » 無線好白痴睇睇下又播廣告

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