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Originally posted by YUEN_LOUIS at 2006/7/11 23:28:

[ Last edited by CHECSS on 2006-7-14 at 07:44 PM ]
兄弟  新消息呀~

7月 14日 星期五 03:30 更新


(星島日報報道)與皇家馬德里(網站 - 圖片)尚餘一年合約的碧咸(網站 - 圖片),雙方洽談續約一事又有新進展,在球會新主席以及新教練卡比路的支持下,據悉只等待傾妥細節之後,碧咸便會動筆續約至二○○九年。

  自碧咸在○三年加盟皇家馬德里之後,雖然球會未有再贏得任何錦標,但他每年為皇馬球會所帶來的商業利益卻非常巨大,肯定已經超過了當初由曼聯(網站 - 圖片)來投的二千五百萬歐羅(約二億五千萬港元)的轉會費。甚至有說法指碧咸一年為皇馬所賺的錢,就足夠支付球隊所有球員一季的薪金。這隻會生金蛋的雞,皇馬又豈會放棄。

  皇馬剛由卡特朗上任成為新主席,但他的看法依然是無論球隊陣容怎變,碧咸的位置依然不變。卡比路亦公開表明碧咸仍然是皇馬重要的一員。西班牙報章《阿斯報》透露,碧咸的經理人早已在新主席競選前就續約問題作初步接觸,現時在卡特朗執掌下,皇馬高層將於下月與碧咸的代表重新談判,只要傾妥細節之後,這位英格蘭(網站 - 圖片)中場便可動筆續約。

Originally posted by kuru at 2006-7-15 03:02 PM:

[ Last edited by andy020290 on 2006-7-15 at 11:10 PM ]
Originally posted by kuru at 2006-7-19 09:22 PM:
Originally posted by YUEN_LOUIS at 2006-7-19 10:37 PM:

Real Madrid to sign Juve's Cannavaro and Emerson

Real Madrid on Wednesday night announced they had agreed a fee with Juventus to take Fabio Cannavaro and Emerson to the Bernabeu.

The duo are currently on holiday but it is believed they have negotiated two-year deals with further one-year options.

Local radio reported that the fee for the pair would be in the region of 20 million euros (£13.7million).

A statement on the Madrid website read: 'Real Madrid can confirm it has reached an agreement with Juventus over the signing of Fabio Cannavaro and Emerson.

'The agreement was finalised this Wednesday evening in Turin by sporting director Predrag Mijatovic.

'The players are currently on holiday and will be presented at the Bernabeu after signing their respective contracts.'

The arrivals of Cannavaro, 32, and Emerson, 30, represent a significant coup for Madrid as the pair were coveted by several other high-profile European teams.

They are the first acquisitions under new president Ramon Calderon, who came to power earlier this month, and means they link up once more with coach Fabio Capello who left Juve for Madrid on July 5.

Italy captain Cannavaro, who led the Azzurri to the World Cup title in Germany this summer, and Emerson, who played for Brazil at the tournament, leave a club in turmoil.

Juve are having to sell some of their big-name players after being heavily punished for their role in the Italian match-fixing scandal.

The Bianconeri will start next season in Serie B and with a 30-point deficit, effectively meaning they will spend at least two seasons outside the top flight.

Juve's loss is Madrid's gain as they have snared two players who will boost their notoriously fragile back-line.

Cannavaro was the outstanding defender at the World Cup while Emerson's best position is patrolling in front of the back four.

Madrid have not won a trophy in three years and have watched arch-rivals Barcelona claim the last two Primera Liga titles.
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