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[quotefrom="Ticat"][quote][quotefrom="Anonymous"]Hornets 疊埋心水包隻艇....
等多 d 機會抽返個第一選人權好過啦
if i remember correct, the chance worst team get first pick is not that high from last 10 or 20 yrs[/quote]

The coming 1st overall draft pick will go to Bobcats....Hornets will only get the 2nd pick only for the highest position~~~That's the rule of NBA...
Kings was beaten by Spurs again, they seem don’t know how to offence when vs Spurs.
And can anyone tell me why Peja cannot play in this game?
I think this game we should give credit to Kings because this game no Peja, Bobby, and Evans, they just lost 10 points and I think they just OK
[quotefrom="kakueeken"]Kings was beaten by Spurs again, they seem don’t know how to offence when vs Spurs.
And can anyone tell me why Peja cannot play in this game?
Peja is injuried because of Back Spasms...= Back Pain.....
It's not accpetable for the KINGS....they should not score so low...only 80....They really have to get better 2 Team players...Only K.Martin is shooter...Songalia is the player that to get the 2nd chance from the offensive rebound.....He is not that reliable....they should let K.Martin to shoot more.......
The major problem for kings is
they can't beat most top teams in the league ,
they were failed in offences ,rebounding
everytime when facing those top teams .....................
if  they can't find  a solution ,
i think they will be stopped at
first/second round in playoff   
very early ...................:x
Kings 係無 peja webber下以十分勝 t-wolves, 我認為Kings 始終有實力勝 Champion.
Really surprise that kings can beat wolves not only without webber , peja (the score leaders), bobby Jackson and evans (the most important bench power), but also play 3 games in 4 days.

Now I can recognize that the trade of mobley is benefit for kings. After add mobley, kings really have the chance to win the champion, even I still think Spurs have the greatest chance to win the champion this year, but I thk kings at least can play in western quarter final.
下場對sonics一定要嬴 :x
Mobley is a nice addition, but I think they still need a bench who can rebound.
Originally posted by tsn97 at 2005-2-1 02:13 PM:
Mobley is a nice addition, but I think they still need a bench who can rebound.
I thk Ostertag is gd at rebound and block shot, but Adelman seems dislike him bcoz he is not gd at shot and pass. After Bradley joined, mins played per game of Ostertag seems fewer than b4. Actually I thk Ostertag should appear more; he can provide wt the team need.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Kings 的看法

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