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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 點可以安全地係香港用110V電器
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Thanks for every brothers for commenting
i just got the information from the company

the massage pillow - 120V, 200mA, 25W

This is a small W device,right?
原帖由 Hkwan 於 2008-11-25 08:44 AM 發表
Thanks for every brothers for commenting
i just got the information from the company

the massage pillow - 120V, 200mA, 25W

This is a small W device,right?
買個大約 500mA, 50W 既transformer 喇

雖然而家應該絕大部份既電器都係 50/60Hz
不過你都留意吓你個massage pillow係唔係 50/60Hz 喇
否則美國好似係用 60Hz, 唔啱香港 50Hz 用
真係60Hz 喎...點算
原帖由 Hkwan 於 2008-12-4 01:39 PM 發表
真係60Hz 喎...點算
我相信基本上冇乜問題既, 如果係用switching mode power supply的話,
你不如直接問佢用50Hz既power source 有冇問題喇


原帖由 fatcat388 於 2008-12-31 01:52 PM 發表
thats right man
don't mess it up
also, as another person suggested, u should buy an Adapter (or Transfomer, whatever it calls) more mA, etc. than your device requires
the guy who burned his hair dryer and adapter altogether might due to that, another cause might be the quality of the adapter
if i were u, if u r really concern about the safety for your gf, this is y u ask here, so u shouldn't go bid an adapter from ebay la
go to a store to buy one and pay a bit more for a better one for security, u shouldn't try to save that $50-100 to risk your gf's life man
another thing is, its good that u ask in here as well, because most of the salespersons suck
they just tell u whatever they r not sure of, they just answer u what they think only, because people don't take responsibility for what they say as they won't care of the consequence, u fail, its ya own business, the reason is simple, treat the info. u get as reference, thats the right attitude, its simple, because the salesperson are hired to increase the odd of making successful sales, they do not require related knowledge for the recruitment, and they are unprofessional not to learn more in order to give relevant info. for their customers
go to those local electrical stores and buy the adapter and ask for the store people for their opinion, as some of them are elect. engineers
they know how to calculate the power u need for ya device since they are the expert of that field, remember to tell them all the info. e.g. mA
for the difference of the plug & the use of the transformer, u don't need to worry too much about it, as the danger they r always mentioning is the potential danger, for any devices, or even anything in the world, there must be potential danger
the main reason the danger that the 2-leg plug would cause is because it doesn't stand securely compares to the 3-leg one since it's easily being dislocated, well, that's the risk u have to bear
and the salespersons keep overemphasizing the danger of 2-leg is most likely they wanna do more business as u have to buy the 3-leg adapter
anyways, those are just my opinion from my experience, u should treat it as a reference
finally, again, as an official tone, it's recommended not to use the device not suitable for use in HK, haha...
how much is the converter
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » 點可以安全地係香港用110V電器

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