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Originally posted by ciger at 2005-9-8 04:45 AM:
Erikson's faults:
1. use 451 at starting tactics
2. doesn't use power forward like Bent or Crough (or at least Rooney) for 451A
   (owen is best used for 451D and counter attack, and he has not played any formal match yet!)
3. many players are not in their best position: J.Cole, Rooney, Beckham
4. does not change the tactics to 433/442 at second half
5. use Defoe and still doesn't use power forward again when losing

Support sack him immediately and use McClaren to manage the remaining matches.
of coz la..because they almost play long ball
no teamwork ..of coz no shoot
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2005-9-8 04:54:
一路都用4-4-2唔輸, 但排出上場至開始用的4-5-1, 重要上次個1去了左邊!林柏特同謝拉特同類, 分工不明顯, 令1+1=0.5.
Originally posted by chicken at 2005-9-8 04:55 AM:
Erikson's faults:
1. use 451 at st...
totally agree with you,
some more is that,
1 i hate hargraves, he never did any contribution to the england team,
2 erikson should take off gerard instead of wright philips at the beginning, and therefore the team could have both left and right wing to attack and beckham's long pass to the two sides.
3 the substitions are really suck, they play simliar footballs with similar skills
4 too much defending midfielders, gerard+lampard+beckham, he should make 1 of them to defence and 2 to attack but not playing the game like a mess.actually the problem is gerard should be the one to do defence as he has low morale to do the attacking.
5 the players are not experienced enough, that is no one's fault. Only Beckham played well in the whole match, good passing and freekicks, joining the attacking and to help the defence well.

[ Last edited by Kev on 2005-9-8 at 05:10 AM ]
Originally posted by ciger at 2005-9-8 05:13 AM:
冇啦啦換走SWP....祖高爾下半場出黎係右邊做唔到d咩,只係係咁係到插花....傳波質素又唔好.......= ="
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 英格蘭對北愛爾蘭

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