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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » The hockey thread
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You are watching pay-per-view?

no just checking the scoreboard damn ppv. We are paying for cable tv already why are we paying even more for ppv? Buncha corporate bastards.

3-2 nucks now in the 3rd.
5-2 final

2 more pp goals

nucks are 4-1-1 now
the record looks so good

and naslund and big bert both got 1 pt in the game ... good enuff
I am psy about Richard Park! He's the pride of filter-074s now! Holy Cow! What a goal he scored!

Park is exceeding expectations and i heard he's playing on the 1st line now. filter-074 pride! lol ~
Yes, he is with Nazzy and Mo....

Bert is struggling now...

I like the Carter/Twins line too....

And who can forget Lee Goren tonight!

what's up with bert he's so not a thug now. I miss his standing in front of the net and deflecting the puck game. Actually before the incident, he already kinda changed his game a bit. He had way more assists than goals, and did not try to stand in front of the net. Most of what he did was just carrying the puck from the right side all the way around the net and then look for somebody to pass to ... i mean nazzy and mo can't stand in front of the net or they'd get crushed.

His empty netter was his first goal ... ? so not big bert ... we need him to make a statement man.
Bert hasn't play well for 20 games before the Steve Moore incident...this player's emotional and psyche affects his play so much....ideally the new rules should allow him to 'park' himself in front of the crease and get some nice deflections, I wonder why he's been running around....

Even in the Stars game yesterday...he was not sure about his place a lot....

exactly, the jovo's goal yesterday, if jovo's the one to shoot the pass and bert's in front of the net to deflect, then bert's prolly back in shape but then all he did was just skating around and not able to handle tape to tape passes. But i think he needs some games to heat up like his size is his only advantage if he doesn't utilize it then i guess park will eventually take his spot, though unlikely. But we need bert i miss the big line man haha.
the rules change was good
i kinda like it
more goals
but poor goalies, harder to have good numbers then
and wont' have as good numbers as some of the hall memebers

dont' know enough
but just wanna support
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » The hockey thread

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