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Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-2-25 10:41 AM:

唔係Abramovich still cannot dis...


所以搵o的比較2線領隊,好似想話比人知 "唔係你有料,而係我有錢" 所以隊波先咁勁






Spanish Press: Chelsea Plan Audacious €50m Bid For Torres

Chelsea are willing to offer Liverpool €50m for Spanish hit-man Fernando Torres according to Spanish sports paper Marca.

The former Atletico Madrid striker is one of Roman Abrahmovic’s top priorities and it seems as if the Russian oil tycoon will stop at nothing to land his man.

But despite his money waving tactics, his efforts to land the Spaniard may prove futile as the Reds will not be selling their man at any price as he has become too important in Rafa Benitez’s squad.

Torres has already broken records this season in the Premier League by beating Ruud Van Nistelrooy’s in becoming the most prolific foreign player in his debut season.

There were reports that Liverpool may be forced to sell their prized assets to curb some of the rising debts they currently have with various financial institutions.

Abrahmovic has in the past shown that he is not afraid to spend mega bucks in order to bring in the top names. They came close to signing Steven Gerrard a few years ago, only for the Liverpool skipper to decide against the mood at the last moment. Surely trying to snatch Torres will prove to be just as hard, if not more.
Originally posted by Edgar_Davids at 2008-5-14 07:46 AM:
if it is done, liverpool is finished...

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 『 車天車地@史丹福橋 』 - 備戰足總杯4強

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