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Roger Federer has been voted the world’s Top Sporting Champion of the Year by the International Sports Press Association (AIPS). It is the third year in a row at the top of the poll for our World No 1.

球員在綠茵場上動粗,偶爾也會發生,即使是偉大的球員如施丹    ,亦在世界盃    決賽時向對方球員施以頭槌而被罰出場。不過,國奧隊一而再地打鬥,在歐洲南征北討的「戰績」,多次發生全武行,卻是國際足球界罕見。

[ Last edited by jordi on 2008-1-4 at 08:08 PM ]


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[ Last edited by edward1906 on 2008-1-4 at 11:33 PM ]
Originally posted by edward1906 at 2008-1-4 08:46 PM:
1. 迪斯拿提早掛靴

Many people forgot this case:
Poor Assistant Referee decision in League Cup Final
Arsenal vs Chelsea
Let's look back the video

Referee, Howard Webb did his best and sent off rightly for Toure and Mikel, also giving yellow cards to Cesc and Frank Lampard.
But I believe Assistant Referee, gave wrong instruction to referee, to send off Adebayor. From the report by Howard Webb, he'd say that assistant referee saw Adebayor 'was trying' to punch Frank Lampard. That's why Howard Webb sent off Adebayor. Howard Webb didn't see 'that incident' so he made the 'right decision'. However, that assistant referee was running from 40 to 50 yards. He couldn't see that incident as he should be blocked by many players in his angle (cos I am doing referee and assistant referee, I could know what angle he was running during that incident)
It'd be really decision for that Assistant Referee and I didn't see him to in charge for any games long time after this incident
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
傅家俊稱霸蘇格蘭公開賽 首奪職業排名賽冠軍~

投身職業桌壇九年的傅家俊, 終於奪得個人首個職業排名賽冠軍, 亦係繼華達拿同丁俊暉後亞洲第三人獲此佳績.

Hong Kong cueman Marco Fu won his first ranking event at the Grand Prix in Aberdeen 9-6 over Essex's Ronnie O'Sullivan.

It was neck and neck for much of the day. Fu recorded a century break to move 2-1 ahead but the 'Rocket' hit back with one of his own and a 68 to level at 3-3.

O'Sullivan had gotten lucky with a missed red in the sixth frame that fell safely and Fu did not have that good fortune as he went a frame down before the end of the session.

That margin became two as O'Sullivan played sublimely both right- and left-handed in two significant visits to the table.

However his form did not last for the rest of the evening session. A missed red allowed Fu to bring the score back to 5-4 and then he failed to get safely out of a snooker, Fu piling on a run of 94 to level.

"It was an important frame," he said afterwards. "I needed that clearance so badly and some luck as well."

A 117-point break followed for 6-5 before O'Sullivan failed to pot twice to go down by two frames.

O'Sullivan pulled one back and managed a 52 break in the next frame but could not capitalise on his second visit.

Fu confidently cleared to move within a frame of the title, including a gutsy attacking effort to kiss the ball on the cushion and roll it all the way up to the top left that left Eurosport commentator Mike Hallett almost speechless.

O'Sullivan could not fight back and was gracious in defeat. "He played well and he deserved it," he said afterwards. "It's a big week for Hong Kong and for him."

Fu reciprocated the compliment with interest. "Ronnie made this night very special to me. To play against Ronnie is great because he's the best in the world.

"This is a dream come true for me because they've never see me play live, the fans back home.

"I played very well today and in the future I hope I can play as well."

Fu added his thanks for mentor Terry Griffiths.

"Huge thanks to Terry. It's nice to pot a few balls under pressure - Terry helped me with that."


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「火箭」奧蘇利雲在英國桌球錦標賽準決賽中,決勝局打出一桿一百四十七的滿分,最終以九比八險勝今年世錦賽亞軍施比,晉身決賽。而這一桿更令奧蘇利雲的滿分桿總數達至八桿,追平了亨特利    保持的世界紀錄。
本帖隱藏的內容需要積分高於 50 才可瀏覽

[ Last edited by Edgar_Davids on 2008-1-5 at 04:20 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【加分題】07體育回顧

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