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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 測試區 » 吹水版2014to201907 » 中尼簽10協議 青藏鐵路將通至尼泊爾。
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@Ramesh Sargam:不了解中国的狡猾本性,尼泊尔就和他们做生意。他们很快会得到一个教训,然后可怜兮兮地跑到印度来求保护
@GandhiPatel Kalam:See the traitor.(看看这一叛徒)
@Rajendra Singh:tell the Nepali’s to go to China for jobs. enough(让尼泊尔人去中国找工作吧,受够了)
@Anirban Bandyopadhyay:Nepalese does not have that brain, they cannot learn from South China sea incident. Let them go to hell.(尼泊尔人是没有脑子的,不懂得从南海事件中吸取教训。让他们下地狱去吧)
@Arish Sahani:can you trust Chinese.(你能相信中国人吗?)
@Pradip Kumar Shome:Oli must know that there is a limit to play his thrice damned China card on India!(奥利务必明白,尼泊尔对印度打中国牌得有个度)
@narasa.rao24:Nepal should be careful.(尼泊尔应该小心)
@jaspal singh maina:Nepal is doing a big mistake ..china is noone’s friend(尼泊尔犯了一个大错,中国是没有朋友的)
@A VERMA:we dont mind nepal choose china and play with dog
@Jay K:That was coming .. , regardless of how much India did or is doing for Nepal .. , China found its way to influence its neighbor .. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Afghanistan
@Highflyer:soon nepal will be developed but not india很快会发达起来的是尼泊尔,不是印度@xxx:Its ok, dont have acidity. Nepal n india will learn to believe in each other. While india interfere in some matter, nepali politician blames everything to india for anything bad happens there to keep themselves clean. And indian journalist are worst just see their nepal earthquake coverage , when u are helping someone in time of need u shouldn’t shout about this rather b more humble. China will be a great boon for nepal n how its happen lets see, india only need to see china doesnt use nepal just like pakistan to harm india.还好吧,大家别酸了。尼泊尔和印度会学会彼此信任的。印度干涉了一些内政,尼泊尔政客把一切不好的都归咎于于印度,自己倒推得清洁溜溜的。。印度记者也是,看看他们当初是如何报道尼泊尔地震的。帮助别人的时候,别大喊,要谦逊。中国对尼泊尔是一个巨大福利。事态如何发展,让我们拭目以待。印度只要留意别让中国利用尼泊尔来反印,类似利用巴基斯坦来反印。
@Ruhidas Takur:Nepalese have brain . Nepal is no more a Hindu kingdom. See the scenario after construction of the railway over Himalayas is finished.Indirectly Nepal is going to be strategic partner of China . Then Nepal will have two door open, China & India……..understand ?
@Benjamin A Britto:Typical mindset of many Indians full of superiority complex in refrence to nepal. I have several nepali freinds and this is exactly what they feel, looked down upon and treated like dependents.(许多印度人的典型思维,提到尼泊尔就充满优越感。我有几个尼泊尔朋友,他们就是这么想的。)
@Pradip Kumar Shome:Nepalese working in India and earning money maintaining their family and country, enjoying our resources, Oli must think alternate source of employment in China(尼泊尔人在印度工作,赚钱养活家人,养活国家,享受了我们的资源。奥利必须考虑在中国找到可替代的就业岗位。)
@Janardhan Rao:Do it first. Want to visit China by Railways only. Heard they have bullet grains and what not , want to experience it personally.(建吧,希望坐火车去中国。听说他们有了高铁,想亲身体验下)

@Naman Sharma:印度从来没有计划帮助尼泊尔发展。而中国正在切切实实地做这件事,印度会为此付出代价。
@Ganesh khatri:Thanks to the foreign policy of India. Now only friendly neighbor of India is Bhutan. Rest have sidelined with China.
@Vinod Sharma:莫迪和斯瓦拉杰(兔大队长注:印度外长)在这方面输得一败涂地。@Chivukula Rajagopal:This is caused by Modi. Once chinese enter Nepal, their target will be India.(这都是莫迪造成的。一旦中国人进入尼泊尔,他们的目标就会是印度)@Rahul:feku’s 510 crore tour bringing results….lol(莫迪政府的海外访问总共花了51亿卢比,现在结出了果实,哈哈)@morningsunstar:what is Indian Govt. doing to keep good relations with Nepal?(印度政府有采取何措施来维护与尼泊尔的友好关系吗?)@ORIGINAL INDIAN:India has lost India’s dear friendly (for several decades) neighbouring country, Nepal to china. Blockade by India and inept Modi’s action has been the main main reason for the loss!!!!!!!(印度失去了一个友好的邻国尼泊尔。印度的封锁,莫迪的无能行动,是造成这一损失的主要原因!)@Diwakar Adhikari:If indian government have brain then it wouldn’t had put blockade. Its already 3 times.(印度政府要是有脑子的话,当初就不该封锁尼泊尔,已经三次了)
@Anurag Agrawal:我们的总理去了尼泊尔、中国、巴基斯坦、美国。再看看这些国家的反应。尼泊尔倒向中国,美国向巴基斯坦出售F16,中国闯入印度的领土。巴基斯坦的政策就是个笑话。世界各国领导人都很聪明,他们的议题只有自己国家的发展。不像我们的政府,每天在打压政敌,制造Yu蠢的宗教极端问题,制造国内的不稳定。

@Naveed Khan:我预测10年后,尼泊尔会关闭与印度之间的边界这就是莫迪对尼泊尔的傲慢的结果。
@Mansab:Modi govt has destroyed our strong relationship with our neighbour Nepal(莫迪政府破坏了印度与尼泊尔的牢固关系)
@Aravind Nair:This bad foreign policy as far as India is concerned. They should have handled the situation in a better way since you know we have a backyard stonge enemy always willing to exploite our weakness. Not Good.(这是印度外交政策的败笔。本该处理得更好的。想想吧,后院有一个时刻对我们弱点进行下手的敌人,不妙啊)

@Anurag Agrawal:我们的总理去了尼泊尔、中国、巴基斯坦、美国。再看看这些国家的反应。尼泊尔倒向中国,美国向巴基斯坦出售F16,中国闯入印度的领土。巴基斯坦的政策就是个笑话。世界各国领导人都很聪明,他们的议题只有自己国家的发展。不像我们的政府,每天在打压政敌,制造Yu蠢的宗教极端问题,制造国内的不稳定。

@Naveed Khan:我预测10年后,尼泊尔会关闭与印度之间的边界这就是莫迪对尼泊尔的傲慢的结果。
@Mansab:Modi govt has destroyed our strong relationship with our neighbour Nepal(莫迪政府破坏了印度与尼泊尔的牢固关系)
@Aravind Nair:This bad foreign policy as far as India is concerned. They should have handled the situation in a better way since you know we have a backyard stonge enemy always willing to exploite our weakness. Not Good.(这是印度外交政策的败笔。本该处理得更好的。想想吧,后院有一个时刻对我们弱点进行下手的敌人,不妙啊)

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 測試區 » 吹水版2014to201907 » 中尼簽10協議 青藏鐵路將通至尼泊爾。

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