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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【空間靈幻異次元】 » [5/23吹水加分題]你o地發過最恐怖/搞笑/無厘頭既夢係咩?
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我試過係我大陸間屋(好大個花園)係到擺酒個時唔知咩事要擺酒 個個都好開心好高興 跟住就係E個時間地下無啦啦有好大舊既野升左上黎 跟住個人係咁走呀走呀 跌左落一個地方咁就醒啦
重有我試過細個個時晚晚(有成一個月到啦)見到x青天 次次佢都好似想同我講D野 佢個樣唔係恐怖/得人驚而係好公正好正直 但係次次佢好似想講我就驚醒左- -^ 過左一個月之後就無啦- -
I had a dream before.
It was the only dream that I felt really scary and woke me up.
I think I had posted it before in this forum.

The dream was quite stupid at the beginning.
I was sitting in a Chinese restaurant with 3 other friends. (drink tea)

Then one of my friend asked me to get some dim sum.  However, they were asking me to get dim sum from another restaurant. (this is the stupid part in the dream)

So I got out of the restaurant and went to another restaurant in the same mall.
Before I entered into the second restaurant, I saw people screaming and ran out from the second restaurant.  There was a crazy man holding a gun and shot people down.
My friend came out and asked me what was going on.  Then I saw the crazy man shot two of my friends down.  Then the man pointed the gun to me and I got shot down too.
(I could feel the pain in the dream.)  Then the man walked slowly to me and he pointed the gun to my head.  I was really frightened and I got awake.

This dream scared me a lot after I woke up because it is the first dream in my life time that I saw I got killed
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【空間靈幻異次元】 » [5/23吹水加分題]你o地發過最恐怖/搞笑/無厘頭既夢係咩?

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