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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 小妹嫁左啦!!!
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Congratulations....already know which month ur 金豬仔'll come to this world?hehe...happy forever ya
EF喜事, 人人都要出來恭賀啦,
祝早生貴子, 生個金豬Baby.
congratulations to you! Wish you have a happy marriage.....
wish you have a couple of 金豬仔.......
to create a 金豬仔 soccer team.....
wish u and ur honey happy together forever!!!
congradulations...^^ hope u and ur hudsband will live happily ever after ^^
congradulation, Finaly hear your wedding goes on, wish you all the best and thanks for sharing the joy with us la, the coming up news I look forward is the baby la...
Need to take care of both yourself and the baby ah.
Flu is quite serious these months, becareful la.^o^
Congradulation !  You are now in another stage of your live.  After your baby is born, you will step into your third stage of live.  Enjoy it and you will find it is completely different with your life while you are single.  At the beginning, you may not be able to accomodate it.  However, please be patient and clam, don't be too nerves and too easy to become anger.
Congradulation !!! Post some photos pleaseee !!!
新婚玩得開心d   xd

[ Last edited by littlecat200566 on 2007-2-5 at 06:31 PM ]
恭喜 恭喜你呀~~~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 小妹嫁左啦!!!

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