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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 真是吾明點解話Kobe勁???
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Originally posted by filter-074baller66 at 2006-1-2 04:58 AM:
Kobe definitely makes the top5 of a...
係law, 佢d 射球選擇有時真係唔多好....
Kobe does have a lot of scoring weapons, it can be fancy, eye candy, jaw dropping, high flying ... he has the talent. But Kobe is not stable, he can do a lot of things, score, rebound, assist, steal... but neither he can deliever constantly. That makes him a big problem, not for us the audience, but for the team and coach. If you are the coach, when the team is losing on the glass, will you count on Kobe? When the team (I said team) struggle on offense, can Kobe help the team? (vs Kidd, Nash, you know what I mean). Having Kobe is different than having Karl Malone - you know he will has his numbers, night in, night out (even its damn bored); you will never know what will happen with Kobe on the floor.
um..itz me again!! haha..so i guess u dun like him that much huh...sad....
i just wanna say that Kobe does have his number, night in, night out...whenz the last time u see he gets less than 20 points???  seems to me kobe is pretty stable considering how many shots he attempts every night...his field goal percentage is still 40 something at least..haha..and i just wanna point out that basketball is a team game...if kobe's teamates are doing a better job, they wouldn't need to rely on him that much...but undoubtedly they see great potential in kobe or else why would they give up shaq for him!?
Yes, basketball is a team game. Kobe just can't carry the team. Jason Kidd turned the bottom Nets to Easter Conference champion. People argued that they had K-Mart, Keff VH ... but you see how Martin's doing now? You see how Keff's doing now? Kidd just has the power to make his teamates to unleash their potential and play better. Kobe just doesn't have this. I think he has the power to make his teamates play worst. (bad relation is one kind of it)

His FG% ranged from 2X% to 5X% night in and night out and you still call him stable? Have you ever watched MJ's game? Charles? (again haha) Even LBJ is more stable than him.

I am sure someone was undoubtedly see great potential in Kwame Brown and Olowokandi too! hahaha

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-5 at 01:56 AM ]
ya man..thatz the thing i dun like about kobe...poor leadership...
but hez stable as in overall? haha.. and i did watch MJ's game before....but only a few with Charles...since i was so little (again, haha) and lastly, comparing kobe with k brown? come on....itz a completely different story.....kobe is like top 5 for sure...no matter wut u said about his leadership (blah blah blah), hez still top5...and i believe thatz wut most ppl think...
I agree that he is one of the top 5 scorers. But he won't be in the top 5 list of MVP.
and ohohhhh i forgot about this....the coach is just as important as the point guard...believe it or not...they r the one who find the right system for the team, setting up every single play...so a lot of the success wit NEt earlier had to do with the coach. but kobe is not listening to the coach!! goddamit
Right, and that fits to my description "big problem for the team and coach".
not top 5 for MVP!? Being a MVP has to do with the success of the team...so ya...given those teammates....he might not be...but hez the top 5 in overall...individually...
62 points.....not too many ppl can do that in three quarters..
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 真是吾明點解話Kobe勁???

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