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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-28 13:30:
- D" ^# N) _4 O# ?# O) \1 `( A+ W# n2 w$ \( ]. \; o% J
5 ?- g5 {# v1 e% F
I understand...
% S0 |- r1 J7 A% P6 O1 U5 ]& E- D$ Mbut if you explain this to the other member, they won't be complaining as much...
% l" h8 C5 d2 Q  q
5 [2 d) H# `6 U: d% O
9 J4 K  W. J$ ]8 O" Y0 n, Y我就會陪佢上路
. u* B6 u' p8 u
* ~( v+ a# y! H! h如果好聲好氣係反映區問
$ o# V, }- i/ p9 i) e' r我絕對俾個官方答案佢
* y: S8 E' h% [" W& @呢d野我office成日做$ k" h9 Y$ b/ b6 J/ \% w$ j
阿crap最清楚我架啦1 |. D' o4 Z( D& a6 u( O9 W
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 03:33 PM:
& {7 _$ P" A6 I$ |5 b: a2 e2 z0 R1 M5 i

% M( H+ w* [" u: X9 e% }3 JWell said ceo....it's always a ...
$ K% ]2 V) p) u. }: J; y2 Q* K$ o

$ Z$ @$ C( C1 ~+ i8 c% |, g# Yyo Gretz~
6 ~; q9 p/ ~% Q) i6 s6 p% \8 Jhow are u4 e2 S) A- |2 ~. s, B. u
, G2 i* Z0 Y% \; y% L9 T
according to Cat's reply, he didn't work for Andersen, and he corrected me that it should be spelt as AndersEn:
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-28 01:34 PM:+ s9 N3 I& ^0 K  i/ H
+ A1 h( P' ~7 D# }0 Q0 _6 y

5 U  o: k: F$ P! P8 R+ }有d會員係明玩野
8 ~* _) h5 @3 {* f( }0 A/ w# U我就會陪佢上路
. N/ N5 H9 M6 x6 U. c
# @2 @4 |  O2 U  H7 C: S# y" f: ?如果好聲好氣係反映區問! x' @- y, Z- W5 v
我絕對俾個官方答案佢: d0 A& F1 ~) ~$ o
2 c: \  ~' B, M/ @3 Q, n阿crap最清楚我架啦
( ^& ~, x, `; a% M; Q) d# N我絕對係個雙面人~
* c1 h  l' s% B
福建麵-好韌﹐蝦人% _6 W6 {' T4 F9 |
i c i c.....# E# j% F+ Y* I7 ^- S

7 G* O* d1 F+ hThe world of consulting firm is indeed small....my wife give 2 yrs of her youth to Monitor..... - q! u+ d) v) ?8 G) E. `2 f2 ?
( e) s6 M6 W6 L3 p- m
I had a long day...but glad to have my imac G5 back after two week at ICU.

Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-28 03:34 PM:6 m5 O% @- u1 W( s- ~
/ `4 L1 V2 _7 Y, Z- P% w) b

% v% o  J* H5 T& f3 Y0 p有d會員係明玩野
5 y# m9 M- g. d( j* }我就會陪佢上路
* I$ I$ p. P0 u' g+ P: c
7 F3 X9 Y5 U0 i' j如果好聲好氣係反映區問
! t& V8 a8 k4 B$ ?我絕對俾個官方答案佢
/ R3 i: ~. M+ _8 |6 n  q  s呢d野我office成日做' |$ K5 B% X# I2 h7 S" o
, \: C) R% |$ p' q我絕對係個雙面人~
$ l5 e- {6 s* a! \* K  |9 y8 z
' H  f$ Z+ z; ~" Y* v: ]5 e雙咩面人, 最多叫精神分裂8 t9 n( N3 N+ ]/ g
# Y7 l' {8 U# N/ Y* p
不過阿007真係唔係第一次玩野, 我先要發炮...
% b& A  }' l/ \. ]- F- J仲有正野, 而家post去版主區俾你
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:33 PM:1 |( C; f( s& U5 m. J$ ]

8 N5 d0 d5 b1 _0 U* f; oOur jobs are more or less 'big brothers' to these people....it's time they learn to make decisions and bear the consequences themselves.
* X( p$ i: {. W: P7 W8 B都未必甘嚴重﹐我揀左一科同我想做既野有極大分別﹐我都係求興趣多。
5 X, C. w- }  v9 ~  ^0 n0 U8 F4 [2 g3 `9 _+ p
[ Last edited by vivienna on 2005-6-28 at 01:39 PM ]
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:37 PM:, C% y  ]/ R# Y3 ?4 h
i c i c.....
0 q7 y" w& Q( T% ?; w
# A8 e, ~4 F/ R$ b* B/ SThe world of consulting firm is indeed small....my wife give 2 yrs of her youth to Monitor.....
2 r" N3 ]9 a# Y8 o- A
: |1 ~& d: }, E& M4 `, i2 V/ [) oI had a long day...but glad to have my imac G5 back after two week at ICU.
+ Y3 y) A. X. U1 q' D
is your wife a business consultant?
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-28 01:38 PM:  R) d, s- |5 M& p8 X
! {- A; [/ `* i4 F! v
都未必甘嚴重﹐我揀左一科同我想做既野有極大分別﹐我都係求興趣多。# b7 y2 U3 N) M9 m) g2 a" |5 g# ]

# P7 m) W. P  L( M5 u" a[ Last edited by vivienna on 2005-6-28 at 01:39 PM ]
! ]% |3 h  q  O' N. B; Z+ m. U* M" S' {
The problem with today's kids...not too many of them know what they have passion for and what their interests are....4 ~6 N' o# F6 }, L: Y, ^7 {( r* M
) g7 r# x5 t: s6 Q
I guess I'll be thrilled if we can contribute to this discovery process for them.... 1 H/ |& ^& `. ~+ D3 O/ O8 J

Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-28 01:38 PM:
- s" P. d' l. M7 s- i0 Y& d0 d- k3 e0 y
is your wife a business consultant?
6 [& c1 R8 R! E  Z; Y& i5 G$ M- `/ r/ r' i0 }% i3 w/ {# ~2 R# b
She used to...life was too hard...work 18 hrs a day...7 days a week....no time to eat, sleep, spend $ and take vacations...it was hell

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-28 01:41 PM:( c; s( s" `) O6 _  s9 E$ V
# Q1 S  s6 n# d) \2 u
The problem with today's kids.....
  N$ r6 P4 o. m4 X# A& X+ e
i'd be thrilled too, but we certainly do need a disclaimer. 免責條款 <---- just as john said.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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