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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 郭富城講英文----(睇片)
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城城講英文..........' \  Y) N% [3 g* M3 [
+ ], }/ T, `: u: D8 q$ d" z8 W6 i/ q) ?9 h0 H6 |8 l
http://youtube.com/watch?v=HgbR8R1dD08&search=Aaron%20Kwok' o: y2 z+ H; J$ z: o. \, P8 n

# D3 |) o/ W0 @; T) k7 V' }[ Last edited by qweqweqwe on 2006-6-28 at 04:58 AM ]
點都唔夠我哋嘅英語大使,香港大學學生---方力申離譜& ^3 K$ M  U  m
連"Good to meet you "都講得出
"Good to meet you" seem acceptable wor
Originally posted by dereklui at 2006-6-28 12:37:
. s* X! K' X# O: m"Good to meet you" seem acceptable wor
4 I* w7 `: i0 l0 D0 M- P

3 R$ B7 m5 y( R
* \* F3 |" ~% u+ u' p- B) O( U$ g: I6 L: ?+ S* g8 X8 [$ U
yea....it does make sense tho.............
7 e$ z# N" l% S% }: c明星講咩都無所謂ㄌ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Good to meet you" is absolutely acceptable and correct

it's just that in hk,people tends to put into memory some ordinary replies like when people ask you, what is your name, you tend to reply "my name is ...." while u can reply "it;s ....."   or simply say your name.  One more classical example is , when people ask you, how are you?We were taught to reply like this" I'm fine, Thank you" since elementary  and it kind of engraved into our mind that whenever we receive questions like that, we answer automatically...language is supposed to be lively and not robotic....next time when u criticize people, pls make sure about your criticism first, you have your right to criticize somebody, but others too have the right of not being slandered by you.I dont see anything unfair about Mr. Fong being the ambassador of english language, since he has the perfect credentials among the artist, HKU graduate with publicity and power to appeal. ; K1 h- Y7 ?9 z  X5 K- A
please don't get me wrong, i'm not an avid fan of Mr. Fong, it's just that i'm fed up with you guys and ur unreasonable and non-corroborative criticism about him, if u think he's filthy, check up for yourself in the mirror and see for yourself who's filthy....and next time you have any complain, or if you envy the fact that he can get close with some hearthrob female artist of yours....then better think of this, do u have what it takes to have those girls?what credentials? money? academic status? physical appearance? and how about this? HK representative in olympic games....can u swim like he does? or you guys were just living in your own fantasy and staying in the net looking " not for useful information but for porn and nudity.... wake up...u don't have what he does have because you don't deserve......period and full stop.
who say good to meet you is wrong?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 郭富城講英文----(睇片)

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