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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 郭富城講英文----(睇片)
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Hehe, his English is okay, comparing to the ESL students in my school.
he's eng is good enough...at least he expressed his thoughts and we could understand it....he just has a heavy accent...which is ok^^V
Prince_ak47: I agree with you.  There's textbook English vs. everyday English.  I work and live in US for years, and you'd be surprised how many native born US citizens don't speak textbook English in their daily life.
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& t# I$ E! ~: q3 _Aaron's English is very good, and 'good to meet you' seems fine to me too.  Language is used to communicate.  Unless you are in positions that require you to have good command of the language (i.e. politicians, teachers, senior corporate executives, lawyers), it is really no big deal to speak the way he speaks.
Prince_ak47: I agree with you.  There's textbook English vs. everyday English.  I work and live in US for years, and you'd be surprised how many native born US citizens don't speak textbook English in their daily life.
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' E, G& V# H% c  O% B# n' VAaron's English is very good, and 'good to meet you' seems fine to me too.  Language is used to communicate.  Unless you are in positions that require you to have good command of the language (i.e. politicians, teachers, senior corporate executives, lawyers), it is really no big deal to speak the way he speaks.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 郭富城講英文----(睇片)

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