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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)
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1. 究竟今週要 Giggs 定 C. Ronaldo 好 ????
    定係要晒兩個呀 ?????

2.  同埋 Arteta , Cahill , AJ .....
     三選二邊個好 ????

3.  Lennon ok 嗎 ????

4.  杜奧巴 ok 嗎 vs Porsmouth ???

Thanks ~~~

I say.....

1) ronaldo if you already have him on ur team, becoz he shoots heaps! but if you are looking for a cheaper option then giggs, 2 in your team thats means you have to find some cheap midfields to make it up.

2) arteta, AJ! Cahill don't score points unless he score, also he picks up a lot of cards, AJ should always be a good pick, arteta take kicks corners so he is a safe pick as well.

3) lennon, ok lol~ if you think spurs can win or dominate the game, he is likely to get assists & get a few cross in.

4) no idea about drogba coz i never consider him. but he is in great form all season, hes pretty much a henry type fantasy player (goal, assists, corner won, sot).

You are welcome. i hope more people can analysis ur questions so we can share ideas~~

Extra +6 for you

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2006-10-19 at 09:50 PM ]
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 19-10-2006 18:01:
1) ronaldo if you already have him ...
1) In my point of view......They both can get high points through different ways.......
For Ronaldo.........You said it right !
He has great desires of shoots ~
Also, he is good at crossing and winning a foul.........
So his points is usually coming from SOT,Crossing and FW........
And For Giggs..........he shoots less at a match.......
Sometimes even has 1 Shoot only........
But the only shoot always can go on target and even be a goal ~
Also,he assists a lot as he can go to left,right and even the mid-field......
So his points comes mainly from Goal and Assist..............

And so I was so puzzled about who should I pick.......

Besides, there are plenty cheap footballers which have great performance ~

They have recovered but Yahoo has not increased their prices ~~
e.g. Dyer,Sun JH,Lennon,J Cole......

And some players recovered from a match-banning.......
e.g. Ballack,Babayaro,[email protected]

And I picked Ballack and Lennon for this week............

There are a few reasons........
1. They are very very cheap........of coz.....
2. Spur vs. Westham.......As Lennon's high pace goes against the no-pace-defenders of WHFC........Lennon is eaaily to dribble over and Assist and even goal ~
    Chelsea vs. Portsmouth..........Although at the first few matches Ballack played badly....but after the banning......recently in the match coming out again vs. Barcelona.....I can see that Morinho was turning him to be an attacking and defending midfielder.......He,Lampard,Essien are becoming a Perfect Triangle which one of them will attack,one of them will defend, and one of them will go to the right wing side.......They were co-operative so Barcelona players were not easily to block them..........So if they played more.......They will become the "Gold-Triangle" of Chelsea.......!! I trust him !

2) I agree......I both picked AJ and Arteta already..................

3) Same as what I say in 1)

4) I think Shevchenko is growing to be Drogba's assistant.....So if Shev is on the match.....Drogba will have more chances ~~~

My Preference :


C Ronaldo

Schaner (Wigan)
Clichy (Arsenal)

Hilario ~
[quote]Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-10-17 10:10 AM:


Target : 1000 fun !
Originally posted by harvey22 at 19-10-2006 18:01:
1) ronaldo if you already have him ...

除左我,你同 Big T.......................
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-10-20 07:08 AM:

除左我,你同 Big T.......................
Originally posted by teramishu at 20-10-2006 12:11:

Are you going to answer me now ???
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-10-20 12:25 PM:

Are you going to answer me now ???
你放弃把啦。。。我唔会同你玩 3P 咖。。。
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-10-19 06:01 PM:
4) no idea about drogba coz i never consider him. but he is in great form all season, hes pretty much a henry type fantasy player (goal, assists, corner won, sot).
I know you hate him Much。。。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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