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Originally posted by kakeidevil at 20-6-2008 12:58:


你試下問下佢識唔識托利斯, 法比加斯丫拿~~

Originally posted by woooot at 20-6-2008 13:31:

Duffy兄中既蕭毒十分之深。。。 就係他囉  
都仲有位哥仔等緊我 forward 條 link 畀佢遮~~
Originally posted by belibala at 20-6-2008 14:17:

so u sing classical / opera

Vitas 既 Onepa2 算唔算 ?
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 20-6-2008 14:36:

其實係咪 kakei 自己寫架~~
Originally posted by Edgar_Davids at 2008-6-20 05:22 PM:
都有~ :agr...

睇番蕭民歌比賽d片段, o個時好多野講, 同而家完全唔同
我諗佢係因為入左圈, 你唔講有人會代你講, 所以佢先愈講愈少

[ Last edited by 艾力克 on 2008-6-20 at 05:39 PM ]
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 20-6-2008 14:46:

以前就係聽canton歌only, 但近幾年已經冇乜興趣
一來新歌唔好聽/耐聽, 二來歌手唱得唔好聽
就算鍾意唱歌, 同人唱k都好少拎mic唱
最開心係有次o係k房唱phantom of the opera, 好很正 (雖然唔係幾岩feel)
依家多數都係聽jp同foreign o既 pop rock
補充一句, 我又唔覺得蕭首歌係metal喎, 可能要唱過至知

o係正選到放d出唔倒o既球員, e.g.第3名o既waiwai有vastic, huggel, golanski
我後知後覺, 唯有博下russia唔出adamov同ivanov
reason: 正選冇出場o既話, 就會o係subs度揀最高分o個個黎replace
所以尋晚將villa+silva, 變做(adamov+olic+nihat)&(ivanov+schweinsteiger+simao), 好大機會schweinsteiger(28pts)會取代出唔倒場o既ivanov
What a long passage....Please let me reply in English.....

Canton Pop-songs are declining although some nice singers came out this few years...
Nevertheless, no matter types of songs and the listeners(Of coz not us..) are being worse...
Yes, Canton pop-songs nowadays are mostly not durable, not like songs in the 80s-90s...
Everytime I meet my pals in Karaoke, they seem only know "K-songs" but nothing else~~
This makes me cry...."K-songs" have already become a trend in HK.....
Oh, dear....I don't know Japanese so I never hear their songs.....
This few years I began to hear Mandarin songs, at least they have heart to produce~~
I've said I am not sure whether his song is metal or not, but at least it must be American rock~~~

In a nutshell, I accept all types of music, except "K-songs" only~~~

Oh, what a bug in YFF........
You guys are very smart to discover this bug......
But it is really complicated and I'm afraid that I'll make it wrong....

Unless you guys climb over me....I won't use this trick to fight against you.....
This is really tricky and I don't see high-rankers use this~~~
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 20-6-2008 15:40:

Your squad is perfect..............

Why would you stay below top5.........
Your squad is even pretty than mine.............
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 20-6-2008 15:44:
I don't think Terim will use Altintop as RB anymore....
He is better in the midfield, it has been shown in the last match....

Terim is not a fool....At least he knows where is the best position among players~~
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 20-6-2008 16:00:


有波入 = 10 points only.

Nuno Gomis has one foul yesterday,
so in total 10 - 1 = 9 pts
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