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Nicolas Anelka has ended speculation about his future by signing a new four-year contract with Bolton.

The highly-rated France striker had indicated he might be prepared to leave the Reebok Stadium.

However, with the transfer window due to close he has put pen to paper on a new, improved deal until the end of the 2011 season.

Bolton chalked up their first win of the season at the weekend by beating Reading with Anelka making it three goals in four games.

He said: "I seem to have been linked with every club in the country of late but my heart is with Bolton.

"I am very happy with my form, the club and the manager so signing a new contract was not a difficult decision.

"Hopefully we will prosper together because I would not have remained at Bolton if I had thought we could not win trophies."

Anelka's decision is a marvellous boost for manager Sammy Lee ahead of the home game against Everton on Saturday.

Lee said: "We have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get him to commit his long-term future to us.

"Nicolas is one of the world's best strikers and I am immensely proud and happy that he has shown such commitment to the club.

"It is also a boost for the dressing room because a team never wants to lose anybody of Nicolas's stature and presence."

Lee added: "This shows our ambition to be among the top clubs, not just in this country but across the world.

"Nicolas is one of the most sought after strikers in the world and I am delighted that he will continue to wear the Bolton shirt."

Now, Anelka is likely out of Man Utd shopping list....lets see will Man Utd sign Berbatov in the last minute in this transfer window??

like signing Rooney before....by using next year's transfer budget~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-8-30 06:53 PM:

要買一早買左啦, 你估佢地真係o岩o岩先知ole唔踢得咩....
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-8-30 20:10:


要買一早買左啦, 你估佢地真係o岩o岩先知ole唔踢得咩....
but Berbatov is different...they really gave Spurs an offer....but only Spurs rejected it....and rumours stated Spurs is willing to sell Berbatov, but only at 40M~~

but i agree with you....according to Fergie's personality, he will probably not signing anyone in august....
有人猜測布力般既麥卡菲會簽曼聯, 因為尋晚足協連後備都無....

睇下最後佢估唔估得中, 定麥卡菲真係走, 不過係去第2度?







曼聯唔買人, 拭目以待
Tonite! He will open his account!

[ Last edited by harvey22 on 2007-9-1 at 07:41 PM ]
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 1-9-2007 19:39:
Tonite! He will open his account!
Good~~ Right~~~
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-9-1 07:33 PM:
曼聯唔買人, 拭目以待
Maybe the real suprise is ole coming back and when strikers are need
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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