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Quinton Fortune will sign for Bolton next week providing he manages to come through a pre-season game against Burnley on Saturday.

The 29-year-old South Africa international is currently on trial at the Reebok Stadium in the hope of earning himself a deal and another crack at the Premiership. Fortune was released by Manchester United at the end of last season after they decided not to offer him another contract due to a long-standing knee injury.

"It's looking very promising I'm glad to say," said Allardyce. "He seems to like where he is and I like him an awful lot. He hasn't broken down or shown any sign of the injury problems he has had in the past. He just has to finish one game for us now because everything else is looking great."

He added: "If he can come through that, hopefully we will both be smiling with him joining Bolton early next week.

"It would be an absolute delight if he could put pen to paper with us."

One player Allardyce would like to sign is Nicolas Anelka, who this week linked himself with a return to the Premiership, claiming both Portsmouth and Bolton are interested.

Allardyce is in the market for a striker, although the Frenchman who is currently plying his trade with Turkish side Fenerbahce, would probably be out of Wanderers' price range.

Although Allardyce was willing to pay £8.5million for Andy Johnson earlier this summer, and Anelka is available for just over £8million, wages could prove to be a problem.

"Nicolas is a fine player," remarked Allardyce on the former Arsenal, Real Madrid, Liverpool and Manchester City forward. "The only problem I have with a player of his quality is the price, which in the main is too great for a club like ours."

Good luck Fortune~~~
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-22 05:02 PM:

are you serious??? the blue kit looks.....

Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-22 05:02 PM:

are you serious??? the blue kit looks.....
佢話home kit越睇越得之嘛
not the blue one...
Originally posted by donald15 at 2006-7-22 06:41 PM:
but that's the Chinese Government policy...we can't blame for it...
that's why the china national team manger has decided play him in the coming friendly match soon in order to let Dong to fulfill the requirement of applying the work permit...




[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2006-7-22 at 06:58 PM ]
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-22 05:02 PM:

are you serious??? the blue kit looks.....
認真…藍色果件ge紅色ge AIG…真係好嚇人…
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2006-7-22 06:55 PM:

but that's the Chinese Govern...
Originally posted by donald15 at 2006-7-22 08:03 PM:

you mean the contract with Man U or Antwerp?

By the way, we still have to wait for Ruud and Torres' situation.If Torres came, Dong probably could not play too much...Dong will be the fifth forward....I assume Rossi went on loan...Torres, Smithy, Rooney, Saha~~
Still too early to comment Dong's future at Man U~~

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2006-7-22 at 08:13 PM ]
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2006-7-22 08:11 PM:

you mean the contract with Ma...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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