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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 最愛兵工廠 - 足總盃4強硬撼「藍戰士」
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Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-9-7 11:51 AM:

我的最愛: Miki、Stephy、阿仙奴、AC米蘭
加拉斯風波後醞釀仇恨續集 切爾西要挖阿森納冒尖新星






<<聯賽杯>> 愛華頓 0:1 阿仙奴

排番完整 d o既陣

Arsenal Ladies are on the cusp of making history. They need only avoid defeat against Swedish champions Umea at Boreham Wood FC on Sunday to become the first team from outside of Scandanavia and Germany to win the Uefa Women's Cup. The Gunners hold a 1-0 advantage from the first leg of the Final courtesy of a spectacular last-minute strike from defender Alex Scott. Arsenal’s visitors are no strangers to the European stage however. Indeed they have lifted the trophy on two previous occasions, in 2003 and 2004. They were also defeated by German side Frankfurt in the inaugural Final in 2002. Our Ladies meanwhile go into the game on a real high having claimed a fourth successive Premier League title with a 5-1 victory over Chelsea on Tuesday night. Kick off is at 12pm on Sunday. Supporters planning to attend the Premiership game between Arsenal and Fulham on the same day can get from the Cup Final to Emirates Stadium in time for the first team's 4pm kick-off.  Arsenal.com is the place to be for comprehensive coverage of the Final including interviews, player profiles and, of course, a full report from both legs. Scroll down the page for the latest news and all the fall-out from the first leg.


Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2007-7-4 06:04 PM:
點解達施華個名會印"EDU A R DO"...?
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by iknow at 4-7-2007 21:33:

點解達施華個名會印"EDU A R DO"...?
達施華 全名
"Eduardo Alves da Silva", "艾杜阿多.達.施華"

Arsenal Squad back in training - exclusive picture special

Pre-season training got underway at London Colney on Tuesday morning. A selection of Arsène Wenger's squad were there to begin their preparations for the forthcoming campaign.
The Gunners will be in back in action next Saturday when they travel to Underhill for a friendly with Barnet. Some tickets for this game are still available.

Scroll down now to see Arsène Wenger putting his players through their paces!~




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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 最愛兵工廠 - 足總盃4強硬撼「藍戰士」

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