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One more game guys! Cards will probably kick the Astro's butt today!

ya yesterday's calls were bs. What's up with the berkman's at bat when the ball was pitched at the similar spot and the umpire called it a ball. The pregame show actually showed the similar pitch thrown by both cards and astro pitchers but one's being strike and one's being a ball. And edmonds didn't even lift the bat off his shoulder ... so i see what your saying.

cards have to win this one to redeem themselves.



tell mei that all my bros watch that game live
it was the craziest thing i've seen
tears came out from my eyes when my fav. batter hit that 3 runs HR

Sox vs. Cards.
(hehe, oswalt next tho....)

go cards go!!!
oh my god....what a game!


That guy hit the freaking slider/breaking ball!!!!!!!!!

he hits everything like Tee ball

too good

i sure hope that they'll go in the the WS
for ...sigh...my angels were killed by that...miss call....
Put it this way herothree....Angels did it a couple of years ago.....but the ChiSox hasn't done it for a longgggggg time now....

I hate the Astros anyways....

angels basically shut themselves down in this series. Their leader, apparently guerrero, was not hitting and I dunno if he has the charisma to be a leader since he's a very soft spoken person. Don't get me wrong he's a solid hitter but i think every team needs a strong personality to win. Their pitching's fine but the whole batting lineup just sucked. Their first 4 hitters were actually pretty solid on paper but nothing worked out when it came to critical time.

btw i like the chisox aces pic that's on the mlb.com. Garland, Buehrle, Contreras, and Garcia. Like wow what a lineup going into the world series lol.

for nlcs i want the cards win mark mulder has to kick some major ass so the momentum will shift to the cards. I still have faith in the cards.
Amen to Windowpane's words!

blessing the cards with fingers crossed lol ~
u know what
astro's bullpen vs. whitesox starters

but i'm still more interested in someone jacking HRs at the last seconds of the game

i totoally agree with u bro windowpane
guerrero is an action leaders
he's a man with few words (some say NO words)
coz he doesnt' like the camera or sth
i read it once on SI.
but he really didnt' show up for the ALCS (nor the series b4)
lucky that the yankees didn't show up as well...
the problem with this kind of leader is that
once they have an off day or off series...then...they have nth...
no words to remind teamates that they're around

but but but...
i'll have to say that...that "call" really really messed them up bad
it's not an excuse tho
have to bounce back whenever as pros

if if if the NLCS goes to gm7
then it'll be the well rested sox vs. empty tank whoever
dont know if u guys play
but i personally dont' like to rest too much b4 my next game
coz baseball and softball isn't a sport that involves alot of running
therefore u could go on and play 4, 5 games a week
(pitcher is a diff story)
i've pitched once....
took mei 5 days to get rid of the stiffness
my pt is that the NL should have the more "warmed" batters, but the sox will have a more durable bullpen by then

i wish that both NLCS and WS will go to gm 7
coz u know what
it's hard to invite a whole bunch of friends
when it's gm5, and gm6, coz u dont' know if it would be "it"
ever had that experience b4???
(maybe i'll start a post base on that)

[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-10-19 at 08:57 AM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » MLB Playoffs!!! (baseball)

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