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Again there was a questionable call...the hit by pitch just before Konerko hit that baby....but I guess it was offset by the Astro's 2 run 9th.

Lidge still has his wicked fastball. The weird thing is both Pujols and Posednik hit a good, normally unhittable fast ball from Lidge....that's so freaking strange.

I am still bewildered by the Posednik monster homerun...can't believe it.

jenks' got some sick fball too but i think he's still not maturing yet but ya normally lidge's pitches are hard to hit. Posednik's a decent hitter but i still think he just left the bat off his shoulder since he guessed it'd be a high heat or something. Even if it's a braking ball like slider it's got great speed too like near 90. His changeup is like in the low 80s what kinda off speed is that.
gee....80 miles changup! That's insane.

I am happy to have a 60 miles fastball these days....can't throw harder than that...

ya that's like randy johnson haha

i'd be happy if i can even throw a proper fastball that a catcher can catch lol ~

let's talk about outfiielders what are some of your fav outfielders? I dun even know who now got the strongest arms. I used to think shawn green, raul mondesi, dave martinez and ichiro got some strong arms. But now I have no idea who got that skill. But in terms of def outfielding i'd say a.jones is amazing. Griffey Jr. used to reign the CF but now his hamstrings just bugging him so bad.

[ Last edited by Windowpane on 2005-10-24 at 04:05 PM ]
Shawn Green still got his arms (but not his bats). I don't follow baseball to closely now...so I can't tell.

I watched the whole thing yesterday...so tired now...just can't believe the Astros left 8 men on base after the 9th inning....

you can't score when you have runners on base...you don't deserve to win.....

The thing can end tonight.....

We did it! Sox swept the Astros!

The Sox did it in such a National League way....hit and run baseball.

sweep sweep sweep ~~~~~ ---------<]
(hope that looks like a broom lol ~)

the drought finally ends today
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » MLB Playoffs!!! (baseball)

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