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9 Y) a* K$ v( v" W6 x0 p打完出到嚟已經有答案-.-
quite accuate wow
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-26 12:00 AM:
6 i3 W; M0 m! Y& x# c準時12:00
) ~' k8 f' X- ~# P% P: ]
8 j) W7 e' K4 [: @% m& \- n[colo ...
Well, the analysis is quite suit to me2 I+ B; \/ _: {% J8 `  f9 F+ s6 I
I had posted my answer before, and I am in this case" e3 O. o! c! A; @3 _4 ]

. m6 I! X3 _8 y$ M* c2) 把友情跟愛情排在附近的朋友, 你們又認為此兩者可以共存嗎?
# D2 b; t1 Z6 ?9 z; }) N5 V% h" ^5 i  `! B9 I% ?1 l
I believe this is very hard to be together
* `; Y. M" q  t! cbut I still trust that both of them can be together
1)道德跟事業:如果一個人連道德都沒有的話就連做人的起碼準則都沒有,這種人還會有或配有事業嗎?  \+ f4 u) i2 \
    2)友情跟愛情:有時候有情和愛情會互相衝突,你所愛的人不喜歡你的好朋友不希望你和他們交往。這實在是一件令人頭痛的事,有首歌不是唱過:“一邊是友情一邊是愛情,左右都不是爲難了自己。”人生有時就是如此魚與熊掌不可兼得,到底該怎樣選擇沒有固定的模式也沒有評判的標準。只有當事人自己覺得最合適的方式才可以!+ J, h+ V  }' z
    3) 現在的社會金錢與權利至上,有許多人爲了錢和權忽略了感情更不要説是愛了!要知道愛是什麽東西都換不來的,沒了金錢和權力不要緊只要心中有愛就會有出路!人們往往忽略了這一點,愛是人類與生俱來的一種美好的本能。只有多用這種美好的本能人才會活得更精彩,試想一下人世間少了爾虞我詐,多了愛世界也會變得更美好。所以我認爲在現實生活中以愛為大前提去找女朋友是可行的是必行的!
i oppositely think that if u wanna be v rich in business, u must need to put off yr moral!!!$ {  f4 e5 G6 C  x; v
2 e6 Q( N- s0 `% g# R( `# \# {: a, L" ]/ n9 z% M
just look through some rich business man, they employ see II to work in the construction site, after the construction finished, they call police themselves to catch them, so that they can save the salary payment!!! is it 9? yes!!! but stand from the boss, they have made much more profits to their business!
. V, w6 E! A9 y" ~for 出賣 fds or closest relatives or wife/husband, dun need to say la, see it in newspaper everyday already, if $$$ is included, this kind of problwm is easily existing!!! easy for us to see clearly about 人性!
3 `7 ^4 j* B4 C# o1 M1 J& Z" a
3 `. q7 ~; S- T4 O4 iso, i dun agree than no moral will no business! but is it correct? i dun think so, but where we living in? is a material and snobby business world, if u can't give up yr moral, dun do business!!!* L6 ?0 T  m- _/ w: B/ g) y
0 G0 K; u% H5 B
i quite like this psycho game, as each of these 5 elements are also holding to each other strongly in fact!!! funny
最好bfslm最衰$ p2 x" d- {0 P0 @/ l8 U5 y
2 @- A: W3 Y! K% W$ gf都無吹水,爆堅野
$ l1 v" }. b& o" F3 k7 y$ Ms襯火打劫( E3 |% m1 u  X& T
/ Y( J8 {5 E1 E5 Y+ Hm衰窮,無錢自己過去搵l
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