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Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 25-9-2006 16:45:

Thanks for your kindly attentio...
Maybe my words above were rude and cruel ~

I feel sorry about that ~

[ Last edited by Edgar Davids on 2006-9-25 at 04:58 PM ]
Originally posted by teramishu at 25-9-2006 13:15:

Next time you can Post at the game topic there...
Easier for the game organiser to answer your question...
Boy Boy said here is better ~~~
Just I less coming in here ~
Originally posted by samuriapoon at 25-9-2006 14:10:

I am following the instruction ...
Okay...you are correct this time ~

Rules are to follow ~~~

But also you should also be fair in playing games ~
samuriapoon, appreciate abt your honest, we have learn more.
although it's not fair, but your information is worthful enough for our improvement.
thx indeed, +4

Duff, flawless explanation, good job~
First of all, thanks for everyone's attention. If any inconvenience I have made, I apologize for them.

To: Duff brother
You created the game for joy and fun for fellows, me and every players are appreciated your affort. I am not going to complain anything yet giving opinion, hope you can understand. I enjoyed the game and I just want to clarify what was happened. Now , the problem solved, I have better understand the regulations. I am looking forward to your next post of UEFA. NO hard feeling, Ok?

To: BOYDWAN brother
Thanks for your kindly attention.
26FUN.com is providing entertainment and fun for all users and I suggest you have done good management of the website. Thanks a lot for effort.

Lastly, I sincerely hope 26FUN.com keep providing joy for every users. Good luck everyone

[ Last edited by samuriapoon on 2006-9-26 at 12:15 AM ]
Originally posted by samuriapoon at 2006-9-26 12:00 AM:
First of all, thanks for everyone's...
Good Job!!!
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-9-25 04:47 PM:

Boy Boy said here is better ~~~
Just I less coming in here ~
所以咪叫位版友 Post 响个游戏度来等你回应 loh。。。
惊有 d 人出两三个 Post 来改答案?
其实可以更改同唔可以更改,边个好 d ?



不如 Set 个 Rules 话可以更改答案,如果另外出回复就需要注明 '更改答案',否则一切下注作废。。。掂?
到时计分果个会有多 d 野做。。。掂?
i think once u place the answers in , then can't change!
rite? this way ppl will think twice b4 doing anything and it won't cause any confussion~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-9-26 21:11:
i think once u place the answers in , then can't change!
rite? this way ppl will think twice b4 doing anything and it won't cause any confussion~
absolutely correct!
time to make it clear~
I will do a new format and give some new instruction, hope this can help~
呢d 分唔易賺!
既然,[Sport Section] 唔方便開game,喺[港男]開,無問題。為左可以令大家更受惠,人人有分攞,請開game、公佈賽果/計分 嘅版友以後遵守以下規則:

小弟發現呢排開始有人争住計分.........尤其係一 d 平時唔多見人嘅版友都好熱心咁幫手,

公佈賽果/計分亦同上,只可只可每隔七日(一星期) 參與一次,想參與人士請於開game 後24小時內於該post內提出,先到先得。

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [球[財]球戲]監測中心

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