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Brent Barry  signed with the Rockets
原帖由 mike12 於 2008-7-12 12:34 AM 發表
Brent Barry  signed with the Rockets
雖然老就老d,但d 3分仲係好堅
原帖由 arthur8088 於 2008-7-11 04:45 PM 發表

of course...if Josh Smith signs with 76ers, that will be excellent~~~

Dalembert+brand+Smith+AI+Andre Miller~~~could go fast break, could also go for half court~~so promising~~~

i just know that LA ...
baron好似之前因為brand留隊先過... 我都唔清楚..
原帖由 kgkgkg212121 於 2008-7-12 03:54 PM 發表
baron好似之前因為brand留隊先過... 我都唔清楚..
yeh...i heard the same thing as well...and Brand was actually one of those people to persuade BD to join Clippers~~~
1. Magic Sign Anthony Johnson

2. Marcus Camby was traded to L.A.Clippers

Second round picks in 2010 --------->
Kaman + Camby will form a strong low post duo
I think that J O'neal tade was really good for toronto. Give them a really strong front court
今年好多球員去左歐洲 (掘金/個人發展)  
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-7-23 07:46 PM 發表
今年好多球員去左歐洲 (掘金/個人發展)  
How about Euro Fantasy

美金太弱啦,加上果班shooter打左Gum多年都知打黎打去都係bench warmer, 不如去Euro射吓3分做大帝好過~ 人工又好D,Season又短, 係睇吓Trag Langdon 幾幸福 lol~


Childress 2 Olympiakos  Didnt see that coming!!!

Does anyone know how that works? Can the hawks match the greeks offer? Coz Childrees is a RFA

[ 本帖最後由 harvey22 於 2008-7-23 10:13 PM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA 休季/轉會區

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