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Nets' free agent Nenad Krstic has accepted a two-year, $9 million offer to play for Triumph Moscow this season, according to ESPN.

Krstic is the seventh player to leave the NBA this summer, joining Bostjan Nachbar, Juan Carlos Navarro, Jorge Garbajosa, Carlos Delfino, Primoz Brezec and Josh Childress.

莫非打波同打工一樣, 搵錢大過天?
最新消息: Ron Artest set for deal to Rockets

            The Rockets will give up guard Bobby Jackson, a No. 1 draft pick next season and another player that the individual with knowledge of the trade could not name.

C:   Yao
PF: Scola
SF: Artest
SG: McGrady
PG: Alston / Francis

原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-7-30 12:37 AM 發表
Nets' free agent Nenad Krstic has accepted a two-year, $9 million offer to play for Triumph Moscow this season, according to ESPN.

莫非打波同打工一樣, 搵錢大過天?
以前打波會視為一種興趣/ 榮耀, 而家只係搵食工具
可況世界球壇掘起, NBA不再是籃球員的夢想
為錢而走, 也是情有可原....
原帖由 abc!@$% 於 2008-7-30 10:41 AM 發表
最新消息: Ron Artest set for deal to Rockets

The Rockets will give up guard Bobby Jackson, a No. 1 draft pick next season and another player that the individual with knowledge of the tra ...
都唔知依d人點解可以換倒artest, 好似brown換gasol咁 (唔通真係咁麻煩? )
雖然換入artest係將防守力推向另一個層次, 但artest係一個好少打倒成季o既球員
yao, tmac, artest 3個都易傷, 可以話好勁, 但傷左/有事唔出得就乜都假

C:   Yao
PF: Scola / Artest
SF: Artest / Battier
SG: McGrady / Artest
PG: Alston / Francis / McGrady

yao, scola, artest, tmac, alston (battier / francis / brooks / head)
yao, artest, battier, tmac, alston (scola / francis / brooks / head)
yao, scola, battier, artest, tmac (alston / francis / brooks / head)
yao, scola, battier, tmac, alston (artest / francis / brooks / head)
原帖由 abc!@$% 於 2008-7-30 10:41 AM 發表
最新消息: Ron Artest set for deal to Rockets

            The Rockets will give up guard Bobby Jackson, a No. 1 draft pick next season and another player that the individual with knowledge of the tra ...

原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-7-30 09:13 PM 發表

都唔知依d人點解可以換倒artest, 好似brown換gasol咁 (唔通真係咁麻煩? )
雖然換入artest係將防守力推向另一個層次, 但artest係一個好少打倒成季o既球員
yao, tmac, artest 3個都易傷, 可以話好勁, 但傷 ...
再上場對唔知邊隊(加拿大?), 一個大風車過完一個守衛, 再避開另一個入樽, 冇反應, 但睇到我呆左

keep倒依個狀態8-9成, 都有得爭常規賽mvp喇
順帶一提, deron williams o既進攻都進步左
原帖由 R-Star 於 2008-8-4 12:48 AM 發表
再上場對唔知邊隊(加拿大?), 一個大風車過完一個守衛, 再避開另一個入樽, 冇反應, 但睇到我呆左

keep倒依個狀態8-9成, 都有得爭常規 ...
Yes Wade is great!! Can't wait until the NBA season starts!!
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
灰熊用58m簽josh smith
鷹隊有7日時間去match offer

58m都算幾多, 但相比起kobe, james去歐洲一年就有50m, 就真係...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA 休季/轉會區

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