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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...
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maybe real loan vanit back to mu muhahahaha~

[ Last edited by harvey22 on 2006-8-3 at 04:38 PM ]
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-3 04:31 PM:
下屆西甲已成定局, 冠軍皇馬, 神射手雲佬, 助攻王碧咸, 最佳球員碧咸
ai.... quarreling with freg will not have gd ending...
van deserves to be here,he has always been a threat to defenders and one of the most talented players on the world..
he's my admirer 4ever..i feel proud of him...........

• THE SUN: Jaap Stam has warned NO ONE is safe from a stab in the back at Manchester United

"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"

Gerard Pique is set to join Real Zaragoza on a season-long loan, according to the player's agent.

The 19-year-old centre-back has won seven Reserves trophies in two years and clinched the European U19 Championship title with Spain last weekend.

As United are now blessed with a wealth of top-class central defenders, however, Pique is likely to be farmed out to La Liga to experience regular first-team action.

Agent Arturo Canales said: "[Sir Alex] Ferguson has a lot of confidence in the kid and the option in Spain is perfect for his progression in the sport."

Pique made seven appearances for United last season, including a highly-impressive 90 minutes as a right-back against West Ham.

Aimar also move to Zaragoza wor you guys know?
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
can't wait till tmr man!!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-3 03:34 PM:
見到佢離門幾m射斜, 兩種feel都有......
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-3 06:36 PM:
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-3 04:32 PM:
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
yup hes going for 1season~
good for both teams and himself la!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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