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Luca Toni issues come and get me plea

Italy striker Luca Toni claims he could move to the Barclays Premiership if Fiorentina give him permission to speak with other clubs.

The 29-year-old scored 31 goals in Serie A last year - the highest total by any player for 47 years - before helping his country win the World Cup.

He now claims there are several clubs keen to sign him, including from at least one team in England.

'I want to make the most of the opportunities I am given and win something big,' Toni said.

'I have had interest not only from Inter, but also from Spain and England.

'I want to win the league title and Champions League, but if I stay here for the next three to four years, I won't be able to.'

Fiorentina will begin next season with a 19-point deficit for their role in the match-fixing scandal, having been spared relegation to Serie B on appeal.

Toni claims Fiorentina owner Diego Della Valle has refused to meet with him to filter-004 his future.

'Della Valle doesn't want to hear from me, but why?' he asked. 'He doesn't want to meet me and it saddens me.

'I am not going to escape and, if they demand that I stay, I will try to give it my best for the team, but it is obvious that in the circumstances, I cannot have a good relationship with the club.'

"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"

Originally posted by teramishu at 2006-8-4 02:20 AM:
I hope tonight Van Nisteirooy will score for Real Madrid...
Miss him much...
This season will pay more attention to La Liga compare to previous.
Real Madrid 1-0 Reggina, half time
Raul 16'

is u manutd fans??
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-4 02:28 AM:
Italy striker Luca Toni claims he c...
Owen Hargreaves has reiterated his desire to play for one of the top clubs in the Premiership at some stage in his career.

The 25-year-old Bayern Munich midfielder's stock rose considerably thanks to his performances for England in the World Cup, and he was arguably the best player on the pitch as the team were eliminated on penalties by Portugal in the quarter-finals.

While Hargreaves still seems settled in Germany, he remains in favour of a move to England in the future.

'I'm still only young and I have been fortunate to have had a lot of great experience at a great club, one of the best in Europe, but getting the opportunity to play at one of the top teams in the Premiership would be great for me,' he said.

Hargreaves felt the team and management should take an equal share of the blame for England's lacklustre performances in the World Cup.

'Any time you are judged on what you achieve and possibly what you have not achieved. We never really hit our stride,' he told BBC Radio Five Live.

'Everyone is responsible and involved. If you lose on penalties then everything is more negative. If we had made the semi-finals then everything would be great, but it wasn't the case so everyone is asking questions.'

Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-4 02:38 AM:


is u manutd fans??
he is!! he loves vanit and hates alex!!!!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
is that anton ferdinland in the pig??
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-4 03:03 AM:
is that anton ferdinland in the pig??
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-4 03:03 AM:

he is!! he loves vanit and hates alex!!!!
but van has gone...
he is no longer a manutd fans
i hope one day anton comes to mu~~
i think hes the perfect replacement for g.neve~~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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