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any of you guys watch the movie "hooligans"?? in chinese i think is call 足球流氓, if you like soccer i think you will like it~~ is pretty cool is about football gangs!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-10 08:19 PM:
hey can you guys tell me where to find those gettyimages??
go to google.com and type getty image...
then you will get iit//...
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2006-8-10 08:29 PM:

go to google.com and type getty image...
then you will get iit//...
arite thx a lot!!!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-8-10 08:07 PM:

正,有得睇ben foster
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-8-10 20:42:

Skysports.com understand that Manchester United have emerged as favourites to sign long-time target Mahamadou Diarra from Lyon.

Real Madrid have been in pole position to snare the Mali international for some time but it is believed that United have rejoined the chase for his signature and their bold move could be decisive.

Although Diarra has spoken of his desire to play for Real, it is believed that he would not turn down the chance to head for Old Trafford if the two clubs can agree on a fee.

Lyon have stressed their determination to keep Diarra, who has been a key figure in their side since arriving from Vitesse Arnhem, but they have already bagged midfielders Kim Kallstrom and Jeremy Toulalan this summer.

Furthermore, Paris Saint Germain's Modeste M'Bami is also being considered as a reinforcement for the Ligue 1 champions.

There is the belief that a deal can be agreed before the transfer deadline at the end of August as Sir Alex Ferguson looks for a long-term replacement for Roy Keane. Villarreal's Marcos Senna remains another midfielder on the Carling Cup holders' hit-list but it is understood that Diarra has been the top target all summer.

Real will also push hard for the 25-year-old's services if l'OL do agree to listen to offers but United are thought to be ready to fend off the strong rival interest.
Originally posted by sing888 at 2006-8-10 07:15 PM:

呢個借左去Coventry City...


P:S 几时先可以 Comform 啊?好心急啊!
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-8-10 05:54 PM:

thx iknow&kaka

diarra是龍定蟲都未知,仲要2x m
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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