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Villarreal midfielder Marcos Senna is unconcerned that his proposed move to United still has not been finalised.

Brazilian-born Spanish international Senna is the subject of interest from United as the Reds look to bring in a ball-winning midfielder.

The 30-year-old, who has been tipped to make an estimated £4million move this summer, has revealed he would still be happy to remain at El Madrigal.

"The situation does not worry me, I am very contented at Villarreal, so whatever happens with Manchester I will be well," he told Spanish newspaper AS.

"The only thing I can say is that my representative continues speaking with United. Hopefully an agreement can be reached that could see me go to Manchester, but it would be no misfortune if I don't.

"This is my home. I have been here for some years and if I had to remain here I would still be happy."

Man Utd capture Kuszczak on loan  

Kuszczak's immediate future has finally been settled
Manchester United have signed West Brom goalkeeper Tomasz Kuszczak on a season-long loan from West Brom, with a view to a permanent move.
Sir Alex Ferguson's attempts to land the Polish international have been frustrated throughout the summer, with an initial £2.5m bid rejected.

In exchange, West Brom will get defender Paul McShane and goalkeeper Luke Steele on a permanent basis.

Kuszczak's arrival also means Ben Foster will be able to stay at Watford.

成日咁拖人, 我係球員都會覺得曼聯吾夠誠意


吾該快手啲....... 吾好攪到自己係轉會市場個朵咁嗅啦
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-11 01:59 AM:
Man Utd capture Kuszczak...
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-10 11:52 PM:

呢個借左去Coventry City...


In exchange, West Brom will get defender Paul McShane and goalkeeper Luke Steele on a permanent basis.







Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-8-11 11:02 AM:


In exchange, West Brom will get defender Paul McShane and goalkeeper Luke Steele on a permanent basis.

Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-10 08:22 PM:
any of you guys watch the movie "hooligans"?? in chinese i think is call 足球流氓, if you like soccer i think you will like it~~ is pretty cool is about football gangs!
where can dl?
Fergie Will Owen Up
Owen Hargreaves has emerged as a shock £7million transfer target for Manchester United. Manager Sir Alex Ferguson has identified the Bayern Munich midfielder as his next transfer target. Fergie was impressed with the way Hargreaves, 25, performed at the World Cup and has earmarked him for the midfield holding role.
David McDonnell, Daily Mirror
Rangers loan Man United youngster Martin

Rangers have signed Manchester United youngster Lee Martin on a loan deal until the end of the year.

The 19-year-old passed a medical and agreed terms and will train with Paul Le Guen's squad for the first time on Friday.

The teenager was in Glasgow two weeks ago when Manchester United came north to play Celtic in a friendly at Parkhead.

Martin, who plays on the left side of midfield, spent the second half of last season in Belgium with Royal Antwerp.

He was signed from Wimbledon in December 2003 for a fee which could hit £1million if he reaches agreed targets.

Martin - no relation to his namesake who scored the winner in the 1990 FA Cup final - has only played once for the United first team in a competitive game when he featured in the Carling Cup tie with Barnet last October.

However, the youngster has had a taste of European football as he sat on the bench as United beat Benfica in the Champions League at Old Trafford last season.
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